Smartphones are the third most popular device on which to listen to music, after personal computers and hi-fi systems. 智能手机是继PC和HiFi之后第三大音乐播放设备。
PIC: Sure, the advanced security capabilities and HiFi sound recording and playback are compelling reasons for some too. 当然,先进的安全性能、高品质的录音和回放,这些特点对于有些人来说是很有吸引力的。
I've gotten interested in hifi. I'm building my own equipment. 我对高保真收音机产生了兴趣,我正在自己装配一台。
At36kg, it weighs more than the rest of my electronics and hifi rack combined! 在36公斤,它的重量超过了剩余的电子产品和音响机架结合!
A good HiFi System is ok, but small multimedia boxes add to much of their own distortion. 一个很好的音响系统是好的,但小多媒体盒添加到很多自己的失真。
He put a stack of Ella Fitzgerald records on the hifi and settled on the couch with Sharon. 他往收录机上放莱一叠艾拉-费茨杰罗德的唱片,然后就同莎蓉一同坐在长沙发上。
A radio, AM or FM-you can also use your hifi. 一个收音机,调幅或调频都行-你也可以使用你的音响系统。
LOVE HIFI become the safest, most professional-level audio sales fever. 爱HIFI成为全国最安全、最专业的发烧级音响销售机构。
Switch on the radio or hifi and turn it up to a comfortable volume. 打开你的收音机或音响系统并调整到你觉得舒适的音量。
Double cartridges pickup sound design, realize high sensitivity and Hifi. 采用双音头拾音设计,具有高灵敏度、高保真。
In the end I found out what was wrong with my hifi. 我终于搞清楚我的高保真音响出了什么毛病。
Some examples of data compression of high compression ratio and hifi can be obtained by combined wavelet coding with the compression method. 它与高保真的小波编码方法结合能获得一些高压缩比又高保真的数据压缩实例。