Team spirit: high-spirited and never give up. 昂扬永不言败的团队精神。
At the beginning of the work, you talented, high-spirited. 刚开始工作的时候,你才华横溢,意气风发,相信“天生我才必有用”。
He can keep high-spirited selling products in chills for the whole day. 他能一整天都站在寒风里精力充沛地销售产品。
The high-spirited students-some in fancy dress-appear to be 'fuelling' alcohol as they are surrounded by empty drinks bottles and cans. 兴致高昂的学生们有些还穿着奇装异服似乎像给汽车加油一样给自己灌酒,而他们周围已经摆满了空酒瓶。
Full of or showing high-spirited merriment. 充满或表现出高度饱满的欢喜的。
Narrative aside, any high-spirited girl would go for the selection of playful outerwear here, which was the collection's highlight. 旁白说,一般有活力的女孩儿会在这儿选择有趣的外套,而这正式这一季作品的亮点。
When Gemini and Leo come together in a love affair, their relationship is playful and high-spirited, characterized by light activity and optimism. 当双子遇到狮子,他们的情感充满了轻松与欢笑,弥漫着乐观的情绪。
The whole world seems to be crazy about the coming Universiade, especially the people in Shenzhen; they are high-spirited because the26th Summer Universiade is going to be held in the city! 全世界人们都在为即将到来的大运会而喝彩,尤其是深圳的人们,他们兴致勃勃,因为大运会将在深圳举行!
Since then, the Chinese people taking a huge step, high-spirited to take the socialist road. 从此,中国人民迈开巨大的步伐,意气风发地走在社会主义大道上。
Who is not a responsibility of high-spirited? 谁说意气风发不是一种责任?
In the interest of not getting myself killed, I started to read and educate myself on ways to manage a high-spirited horse. 为了不使自己陷入困境,我开始研究并培养自己掌握管理这匹劣马的方法。
And if the recent papers are any indication, these fascinating, high-spirited and surprisingly engaging little bugs will continue to do so for a long time to come. 如果最近的文件没有任何其他的新发现,那么这些迷人的令人兴奋与吃惊的小研究将会持续很长一段时间。
Unexpectedly, this should actually enable "the alcoholic intoxication event" in pingpong ultra high-spirited Wang Hao to become the people spare time subject. 谁料,本该在乒超中意气风发的王皓却让“醉酒事件”成为了人们茶余饭后的谈资。
Dazzling and high-spirited, they nevertheless emerged at a moment not unlike today when the threat of bird flu looms large. 他们丰富眩目而又积极乐观,却产生于一个黑色的类似于今天笼罩全球的禽流感威胁的时期。
He grew up a pretty, clever, and high-spirited boy. 他长成一个漂亮、聪明、胆大的孩子。
Full of high-spirited fun; frisky and playful. 嬉闹的充满乐趣的;乐趣的;顽皮的。
She's a very high-spirited person and is always full of joie de vivre. 她兴致高昂,总是充满了生活之乐。
She had a lively, playful disposition. lively high-spirited playfulness. 她的个性活泼调皮。生动活泼十分有趣的。
The game was played in a friendly, high-spirited way, with frolicsome behaviour on both sides. 比赛在友好热烈的气氛中进行,双方都兴致勃勃。
A robust or high-spirited young man. 精力充沛,兴致高昂的年轻人。
Elated in feeling or mood; high-spirited. 兴高采烈的情感或情绪上高兴;
We were high-spirited and thought nothing of working out of a phone booth, as long as we were doing the good job. 我们兴致勃勃,不在乎是否真能设计出一个电话亭,只要我们还能继续这项工作就行!
We are high-spirited in the middle school campus, students and their resonance can be desired but it all. 我们正意气风发的在初中的校园里读书,同学们和他们的共鸣是可想而之的。
Our spirits went up. a robust or high-spirited young man. 我们的兴致高了起来精力充沛,兴致高昂的年轻人。
High-spirited, Time flies, I look to juvenile students in June Zhuifeng; their prime, Yun-Fan white make life beautiful eyes to the Ming Dynasty. 意气风发,时光如梭看我少年学子六月追风去;风华正茂,云帆直挂令那美丽人生明朝入眼来。
High-spirited Ningxia, is facing the once in a thousand years development opportunity. 意气风发的宁夏,面临着千载难逢的发展机遇。
We heard the high-spirited singing. 我们听到昂扬的歌声。
Today you look so very happy and high-spirited. 看你今天的样子春风满面、喜气洋洋。
The beautiful future world and the splendid ideal of life are components of his high-spirited themes. 美好的彼岸世界,灿烂的人生理想构成了他诗中昂扬向上的奋进主题。
The farewell poems language singular, color words application, and Cen Shen farewell poems contained in the high-spirited, optimistic spirit of the times and other artistic features. 这当中分别论述了其送别诗语言的奇异,色彩词的应用,及岑参送别诗中所反映的悲剧崇高美以及所包含的昂扬、乐观的时代精神等。