VERB 使突出;强调;使注意 If someone or something highlights a point or problem, they emphasize it or make you think about it.
Last year Collins wrote a moving ballad which highlighted the plight of the homeless... 去年,柯林斯写了一首动人的抒情歌曲,突出描绘了无家可归者的苦境。
Once again, the 'Free Press' prefers not to highlight these facts... “自由新闻”组织再次故意不去突出强调这些事实。
Two events have highlighted the tensions in recent days. 两起事件进一步凸显了最近一段时间的紧张局势。
VERB (用荧光笔)标出;(在计算机屏幕上)突出显示 To highlight a piece of text means to mark it in a different colour, either with a special type of pen or on a computer screen.
Highlight the chosen area by clicking and holding down the left mouse button. 点击并摁住鼠标左键将所选区域高亮显示。
...the relevant maps with the route highlighted in yellow. 用黄色荧光笔标出路线的相关地图
N-COUNT 最有趣(或最精彩、最重要)的部分 The highlights of an event, activity, or period of time are the most interesting or exciting parts of it.
...a match that is likely to prove one of the highlights of the tournament... 可能是本次联赛中最精彩的比赛之一
The highlight of my day used to be cooking Meg a meal when she came in from work... 过去,我一天中最有意思的事就是在梅格下班回到家时为她做顿饭。
I don't want to watch the game now. I'll just wait till the highlights come on later tonight. 我现在不想看比赛。我要等到今晚晚些时候好戏上演的时候再看。
挑染的头发;(头发经阳光照射后产生强光效果的)浅色部分 Highlights in a person's hair are narrow lighter areas made by dyeing or sunlight.
The UI provides syntax highlighting, content assist, and syntax parsing. UI提供语法的高亮显示,内容帮助和语法解析。
What I am highlighting in this article is how you can actually circumvent the third and fourth issues. 在这篇文章中,我要强调的是如何真正地绕开第三个和第四个问题。
The rule editor provides basic editing features ( such as syntax checking and highlighting). 规则编辑器提供了基本编辑特性(比如语法检查)。
This paper only offers an overview of our process, highlighting its main tasks and work products. 本文仅仅提供了我们的过程的概述,突出了其主要任务和工作产品。
A typical example would be colors used for syntax highlighting with an editor. 一个典型示例是用颜色来突出显示编辑器中的语法。
For example, syntax highlighting and code assist make software development quick and easy. 比如,语法高亮和代码协助使软件开发既快捷又容易。
It also contributes to the oversight function by highlighting completions, variances, and progress-to-date. 它还通过强调完成、变化,和至今的进展,对监督功能做出贡献。
Highlighting quickly draws your attention to system alerts or thresholds that have been exceeded and need attention. 高亮显示将您的注意力迅速吸引到系统警报以及已经超过且需要注意的阈值。
We've also gained improved readability and compatibility with string highlighting. 我们也已经得到了改进的可读性以及与字符串高亮显示功能的兼容性。
This demonstrates how destructive multitasking is highlighting the fact that when we multitask, we are greatly limiting ourselves. 这充分表明了同时多任务处理是多么具有破坏性的事实,当我们多任务处理时,我们大大的限制了自身的能力。
This year we are highlighting Education for Peace. 今年我们强调教育促进和平。
This week were highlighting some of our movies that showcase teamwork. 这周我们来盘点一下那些展现了团队合作的影片。
We will discuss more recent studies highlighting promising new dietary factors that go beyond sodium and the DASH plan. 我们将对强调了有希望超越钠和DASH方案的新型膳食因子的较近期研究进行讨论。
It is therefore refreshing to see some new research highlighting the positive side of greater international integration. 因此,看到一些新的研究强调国际一体化加深过程中的积极方面,的确令人精神振奋。
Results include user-friendly features such as hit highlighting, duplicate collapsing, and synonym suggestion. 结果中包括用户友好的功能,如搜索词突出显示、重复项折叠和同义词建议。
You can remove these predefined tokens from the list by highlighting the token and clicking remove. 通过突出显示该标记并单击“移除”,可以从列表中移除这些预定义标记。
Present mental health issues with compassion, highlighting what can be achieved with adequate financial and human resources. 同情地介绍精神卫生问题,强调以足够的财力和人力资源可取得哪些成就。
Monitor actual and budgeted performance, highlighting business opportunities and problems to management. 监控实际与预算的执行、突出的业务机会和难点的管理。
The flowchart maps the system, highlighting its major physical components. 流程图拟订了系统,突出了系统的主要物理部件。
Today's reports added to a central bank statement last week in highlighting the economy's momentum. 今天物流采购联合会的报告增添了上周央行要提高经济动力的声明。
This year, Euromonitor focused on seven regions, highlighting a key trend in each. 今年,欧睿将报告划分了七个部分,并在每个部分中突出了一项主要的流行趋势。
A few clear themes have emerged, highlighting points of agreement and controversy. 这场辩论产生了几个明确的主题,突显出几点共识和争议。
You can also zoom a region of the graph by highlighting that region with the mouse. 也可以使用鼠标突出显示关系图中的某个区域,来缩放该区域。
This ranges from exchanging knowledge during village-to-village'Shodh Yatra'journeys to highlighting local innovations through multilingual publications and an online database. 这包括在从一个村庄到另一个村庄的“ShodhYatra”旅行中交换知识,到通过多语言出版物和网络数据库宣传当地创新。
The current exhibition comprises three installations, highlighting Tan Dun's use of sounds derived from paper and water. 本次展览将包括了三件装置,其亮点不乏谭盾对纸、水声响的运用。
The experiment was conducted to investigate the visual performance of underline highlighting at different difficulty levels and display backgrounds. 以反应时和正确率为指标,研究了在不同难度和呈现背景,下划线突显方法对视觉搜索绩效的影响。
They queue orderly, steady pace, highlighting the juvenile's presence; 他们队列整齐、步伐稳健,彰显了少年的风采;
We discuss two of the risks that recent critics have been highlighting. 这里我们讨论批评者最近强调的两个风险。
You can change the background color of a cell or row with background cell highlighting. 通过“背景单元格突出显示”,可以更改某个单元格或某行的背景色。