The hollowing of that pitiless nail could be felt there. 已经可以感到那无情指甲的掐印。
Anger has a way, though, of hollowing out your insides. 愤怒是一种掏空你所有心思的力量。
Technology and the hollowing out of work, in which the numbers of intermediate-level jobs are shrinking, are the key reasons. 科技,以及工作空心化(即中等级别工作的数量减少),是主要原因。
We are in unprecedented danger of hollowing out, Yoshihiko Noda, prime minister, said in September. 我们正处于空前的空心化危机中,日本首相野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)去年9月表示。
Man hollowing out a pumpkin is also engraved with a face point, the ghost of the candle used to disperse; 男子挖空了南瓜又刻上点着一张脸,所使用的蜡烛驱散鬼魂的;
The Reasearch of Industry Hollowing: A Case Study of Zhujiang River Delta 区域产业空心化成因探析:以珠江三角洲为例
A canoe made by hollowing out and shaping a large log. 用一种雕塑技法制成的外形像圆木的小舟。
The International Monetary Fund warned last week that governments must invest more in education to escape a "hollowing out" of jobs. 国际货币基金会在上周提出警告,多国政府必须增加对教育的投资,以避免出现没有好工作岗位的“空洞化”现象。
This paper expounds the methods for treating the ground dusting of cement mortar and the methods for treating the hollowing in pasting floor tile. 阐述了水泥砂浆地面起砂的处理方法及粘贴地面砖空鼓的处理方法。
That was aimed at reducing the loss of manufacturing jobs to Asia, which is hollowing out Japan's industrial base and sapping tax revenues. 这个地区旨在减少亚洲制造业工作岗位的损失,制造业工作的减少正挖空日本工业基础并削弱其税收。
The technology process and mechanism of etching are also discussed in detail with examples of hollowing board process. 结合镂空板工艺实例,详细介绍了工艺过程,并讨论了取得的效果与蚀刻机理。
Still, one should not exaggerate the pitfalls nor worry excessively about what is sometimes called hollowing out. 不过,人们既不应夸大这些缺点,也不必过分担心所谓的空洞化。
The Japanese government is usually concerned about the hollowing out of the industrial sector, but when Shin-Etsu chemical said in January it would build a rare earth recycling plant in Vietnam instead of upgrading its domestic facilities, the trade ministry had no objections. 日本政府通常对国内工业部门向海外转移充满担忧,但是当1月份信越化学(shin-etsuchemical)表示要在越南建立稀土回收厂,而不是升级国内工厂时,日本经济产业省对此并没有提出反对。
Analysis of Evolutive Characteristics and Their Driving Mechanism of Hollowing Villages in China 中国空心化村庄演化特征及其动力机制
In the design, designers use more traditional hollowing, carving technology, also used such means as modern patchwork. 在设计上,设计师较多运用传统的镂空、雕刻技术,又采用了现代拼凑等手法。
It would be a cruel trick to grant poor countries the modest benefit of debt forgiveness and then take it away again by hollowing out the banks 'financial ability to provide fresh resources. 如果先给贫困国家尝一点减免债务的甜头,然后取消开发银行提供新资金的财务能力,从而将先前的好处拿走,这会是一种非常残酷的把戏。
Rural Education in the Context of Hollowing out of Its Population: Challenges and Countermeasures 人口空心化背景下农村教育:挑战与对策
In a final step, an interior offset is calculated with the aim of hollowing out the slice to reduce weight. 最后一步要计算内部的位移,目的是要掏空薄片,减轻重量。
Computers are not the only factor in this hollowing out, but they play an important role. 计算机并非造成这一现象的唯一因素,但它却起着重要作用。
Geographical Research and Optimizing Practice of Rural Hollowing in China 中国农村空心化的地理学研究与整治实践
Wall plastering produce hollowing and cracks's reason were analyzed and proposed specific effective prevention and control measures were given. 墙体抹灰产生空鼓、裂缝的原因、提出了具体有效的防治措施。
A dugout, or a canoe was made by hollowing out a tree trunk. 独木舟,或者一种小舟,是通过挖空树干造成的。
However, such raw figures do not capture how much faster sales from China to the US have grown over the same period, and the hollowing out of industry that people in Ohio see around them. 然而,这些原始数据并不涉及同期中国对美出口的增速有多快,也没有涉及俄亥俄州人看到的、他们身边的行业被掏空的现状。
Yi nationality lacquerware utensils are traditionally crafted by hollowing out a piece of wood. 彝族漆器器皿传统上是在雕空的木模型上进行漆器制作。
Observers have long been predicting a "hollowing out" of the middle in banking in which only the very big and efficient and the very small and local would prosper. 长期以来,观察员就预测在银行业会出现中间“空洞化”的趋势,在这种情况下只有非常大型的高效的银行和非常小型的本地银行能发展壮大。
Research on Process of Crosshatching for Hollowing Board on PI Flexible Substrate 挠性PI基材上镂空板用开窗口工艺研究
We're seeing the hollowing out of American manufacturing because the politicians don't get it. 由于政界人士不明就里,我们正在见证美国制造业的空心化。
Especially move your inner thighs back, pulling your groins back a little but having the feeling of softening or "hollowing" them. 特别是移动你的大腿内侧向后,拉你的腹股沟向后一点,但要有软和“空的”感觉。
Study on hollowing and cracking of floated coat on aerated concrete block wall 抹灰底层,括糙层加气混凝土砌块墙体抹灰空鼓和裂缝原因探索及防治