Schulman is a little tired of the hoo-ha about the all-women team. 舒尔曼有点厌烦了对全女子队的过度炒作。
Even before the horsemeat hoo-ha, there were rumbles of change. 即使在“马肉风波”之前,也不乏有一些变革出现。
Reading all the hoo-ha about the politician Chris Huhne, whose ex-wife has alleged he did something similar, makes me worry: does such a thing make him unfit to lead a public company? 在读罢有关政客克里斯休恩(chrishuhne,他的前妻指控他犯了类似的错误)那些大惊小怪的文章后,我不禁开始担忧起来:这样一件事会使他不适合领导一家上市公司吗?
"It would be just obscene at a time like this to come out with some silly celebrity hoo-ha," she said. “现在这个时候写一些无聊的闹剧星闻只会让人厌恶。”她说。