She latched on to his arm, hooking her other arm around a tree 她拽住他的胳膊不放,另一只胳膊抱紧一棵树。
It can be used to access fields and methods in instances of a class, providing a way of dynamically hooking together classes at runtime without the need for any source code links between the classes. 它能用于访问类实例中的字段和方法,从而提供了不需要类之间的任何源代码链接就能在运行时将类动态地挂钩在一起的方法。
If you took the easy route for hooking up the LCD, your screen may be recognized automatically when the Linux OS boots; if so, you are ready to set up the touchscreen. 如果使用简单的方法来安装LCD,那么屏幕可能在LinuxOS启动时就可以自动识别了;如果是这样,就可以开始设置触摸屏了。
You saw a bit of XML code to automate the deployment of a two-tier J2EE application in the IBM Cloud; the code details action creation, hooking actions to events, and event handling. 您看到了在IBMCloud中自动部署两层的J2EE应用程序的一些XML代码;这些代码说明了如何创建动作、把动作与事件关联起来和处理事件。
Or say you need seed capital; hooking up with Mark Cuban would be awesome. 或者说你需要创业资金,那么能搭上马克.库班简直就是帅呆了。
Hooking upward from his ankles, in the belly. 会用脚踝把他钩起来,打他的肚子。
I'll say this, if she was hooking. 我得说如果她是这样的人。
Successfully hooking up took much practice and training. 成功对接需要大量的实践和训练。
For example, by hooking the RowUpdating event you can check what is being updated against the new values. 例如,通过挂钩RowUpdating事件,您能够检查新值的更新内容。
I sent so much words through QQ in hope of hooking up with my sweetie-pie! 我在qq上发了那么多信息就是希望能博得红颜倾心啊!
I'd like to thank John for hooking us up. 我要感谢约翰帮我们牵线。
My mom thinks that you're the one that's hooking up with him. 我妈以为你是那个和他有一腿的人。
This technique is implemented by hooking system service dispatch table, and excellent result is achieved. 通过进入系统内核模式,从系统底层挂接系统服务调度表来实现,并取得了良好的效果。
Hooking up in the same room where I'm sleeping. 你和卢卡斯在我睡觉的房间亲热。
Successful interoperability dramatically cuts the costs, risks and complexities of hooking up. 成功的互操作性会大幅降低结合的成本、风险和复杂性。
Matter of time before she's hooking me up with the next person up the ladder. 让她来带我见她上面的人只是个时间问题。
Of you and me hooking up by the end of the night? 不如你和我去共度良宵?
It will also make JRuby the most reliable Ruby implementation for hooking up filesystem events across platforms. 它也让JRuby成为了在跨平台衔接文件系统事件方面最可靠的Ruby实现。
He is hooking on the net all day long! 他整天挂在网络上!
Like hooking a car battery up to a guy's privates? 比如在男的私处挂上个汽车电池?
All her usual ways of hooking you in have no effect. 她吸引你的方法都失去了作用。
This is referred to as hooking a control. 此操作叫做与控件挂钩。
If you ask your friends to help, it will double your chance of hooking up with the girl. 如果你叫你的朋友们帮忙,追到那个女孩的可能性就会更大些。
This attack represents serious threat because many security software vendors base their security features on hooking. 攻击还体现出严重的安全威胁,因为很多安全软件厂商以挂钩作为实现安全功能的基础。
NOTE If you Trojan your own system call table, you'll null the effects of traditional system call hooking. 注意如果你强奸了自己的系统调用表,你也就导致传统的系统调用挂钩失效了。
Gel formation requires hooking various chains together. 凝胶的形成需要把不同的链钩链在一起。
Companies send him all over the world hooking up these complex systems. 公司派他到世界各地去连接这些复杂的系统。
I think I figured out who Eric was hooking up with. 我找到了和eric在一起的人。
We're hooking up this weekend. 我们这个周末要聚聚。
I plan on hooking up with you for a long, long time. 我打算和你混很长很长时间了。