It is coming closer to America and Europe than to Russia, it is being ennobled and humanised. 这里离美国和欧洲的距离要比离俄罗斯的距离更近。这里正在走向文明,变得越来越人性化。
They have created a mouse with a humanised gut flora. 他们创造了一个人性化肠道菌群的老鼠。
Trastuzumab is a humanised antibody, designed to target and block the function of HER2, a protein produced by a specific gene with cancer-causing potential. 曲妥珠单抗是一种人源化抗体,用于靶向和阻断HER2的功能,而后者是由特异基因编码的一种蛋白,具有致癌潜能。
Accidents like these have humanised kong, as his infatuation for the squirming blonde was meant to do. 这些意外让金刚更拟人化,就像他对尖叫的金发美女的迷恋也是。