No one would have skipped any sleep over it, but the military made a big to-do of hushing it up, and for a lot of folks, that sealed it: the aliens had landed! 没有人跳过此事去睡觉,但是军方制造了一场大的骚乱把此事掩盖起来。对于一些农民来说,此事确实被封杀了:外星人降临啦!
Of speech sounds; characterized by a hissing or hushing sound ( as` s 'and` sh'). 指语言的声音;以嘶嘶声或者咝音为特点(例如s和sh)。
He put his finger to his lips, as if hushing a fractious child. 他把指头放在嘴唇上,好像在要个烦躁的孩子肃静。
The monopolies'habit of hushing up safety problems erodes public trust in nuclear power, which for all its troubles must surely be part of the future energy mix. 垄断集团掩盖安全问题的坑爹习惯正一步步侵蚀着民众对于核能源的信任,而不管遇到什么样的问题,核能都会成为未来能源组合的一部分。
Strengthening moral education, hushing up deeper contradictions and fostering modern civic moral quality means much to harmonious society construction. 加强道德教育,化解深层次矛盾,构建具有现代意义的公民道德素质,对于促进和谐社会的实现具有重大的意义。
Say simply, its essence is to give the criminal suspect and the defendant to the right hushing or declining an answer to cross-examining of judiciary personnel. 简单的说,其实质就是赋予犯罪嫌疑人、被告人对司法人员的讯问保持沉默或拒绝回答的权利。