VERB 猛推;猛拉;推搡 If you hustle someone, you try to make them go somewhere or do something quickly, for example by pulling or pushing them along.
The guards hustled Harry out of the car... 卫兵将哈里从车里拉了出来。
There was no opportunity to ask anything more as the guards hustled us away. 卫兵把我们推搡走了,我们没有机会再多问。
VERB 快速行走;赶紧 If you hustle, you go somewhere or do something as quickly as you can.
You'll have to hustle if you're to get home for supper... 你想赶回家吃晚饭的话,就得加快速度。
He hustled straight up the aircraft steps without looking round or waving goodbye... 他急匆匆地径直登上飞机舷梯,没有环顾四周,也没有挥手告别。
They had finished the exam and the teacher was hustling to get the papers gathered up. 他们已经考完试了,老师正在赶紧收卷子。
VERB (常指用不正当或非法的手段)谋取;骗钱;诈取 If someone hustles, they try to earn money or gain an advantage from a situation, often by using dishonest or illegal means.
We're expected to hustle and fight for what we want... 我们应该为得到自己想要的而不择手段,奋力争取。
I hustled some tickets from a magazine and off we went. 我从一家杂志社骗了几张票,然后我们就一起去了。
N-UNCOUNT 熙攘;忙碌 Hustle is busy, noisy activity.
Shell Cottage provides the perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle of London... 谢尔农舍为想要躲避伦敦的忙碌喧嚣的人们提供了一个绝佳的休闲之所。
She waited until they were beyond the hustle of the Washington Saturday night traffic. 她一直等到他们远离了华盛顿周六晚上的车水马龙。
They had finished the exam and the teacher was hustling to get the papers gathered up. 他们已经考完试了,老师正在赶紧收卷子。
Our quartet was out hustling and we knew we stood good to take in a lot of change before the night was over. 我们的四重奏是明显地卖座的,而且我们知道在天亮以前,我们有把握收入一大笔钱。
Multinationals are also hustling to introduce their latest inventions just as quickly here as in their home markets, to maintain standardized production techniques and quality. 跨国公司在这里争相引进他们最新的发明,速度和在本国市场一样快,从而维持标准化的生产工艺和质量。
Yes. My daily life is a lot of hustling and bustling, and a lot of insane moments, especially during fashion week. 我每天的生活都忙忙碌碌,有很多让人抓狂的时刻,特别是时装周期间。
Men in motors were hustling to pass one another in the hustling traffic. 开汽车的人在繁忙的交通中急急忙忙地互相超车。
Would be interested to know that I'm hustling. 你会通知我的假释官说我在卖淫。
I am not as concerned as you that your tutor will be tempted into hustling for extra reference-writing work. 我不像你那么担心你的导师会忍不住想拼了老命多写几封推荐信。
I can't work with people hustling and bustling round me. 周围的人吵吵嚷嚷的,我没法工作。
Well, in this society, when people are hustling and bustling here and there, it is rather difficult to find a very quiet place to enjoy ourselves. 好吧,在这个社会里,当人们熙来攘往,在这里和那里,很难找到一个非常安静的地方来放松自己。
A well scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste. 一个整洁干净而强加进一点品味的乡巴佬。
And you were hustling him! 而是你唆使他干的!
The bustling and hustling of metropolis dazed and dazzled him. 大都市车如流水马如龙的繁华景象,看得他头晕目眩眼花缭乱。
He's made a living out of hustling. 他可是靠这个混饭吃的。
People hustling and bustling all around us. 在我们的周围熙来攘往的人。
To keep staff, Nestle and other companies are hustling to install retention programs that meet employee demands. 为了使员工继续留任,雀巢和其他公司正在加紧制定能满足其雇员要求的稳定员工队伍的计划。
Why is it that all these girls are now moving around hustling? 为什么现在弄成了这些女孩在四处‘拉客’?
In this detailed recreation of medieval england, rob Cole leaves poor, disease-ridden London to make his way across the land by hustling, juggling, and peddling cures to the sick. 在此详细康在中世纪的英格兰,抢柯尔树叶穷人疾病缠身伦敦闯神州大地的喧哗,戏法,贩药给病人。
That last shot, I kept battling and I kept hustling. 最后的一投,我一直努力拼抢和肉搏。
Now that I look back, I realize that I was wrong to think that we had nothing to show for two and half years of hustling. 现在,回顾往事,我认识到我错了,那挣扎的两年里我们并不是拿不出任何的成绩。
Throughout the morning, police patrol cars are hustling in urban district, sometimes in the opposite direction to traffic, with their sirens on. 整个上午警方巡逻车鸣着警笛在市区行驶,有时还逆向行驶。
You look like a rube. A well-scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste. 你像一个土包子,一个干净、忙碌的有点品味的土包子。
With fully fledged acquisitions off the agenda thanks to constitutional curbs and cultural barriers Asian stock exchanges are instead hustling for overseas listings. 由于宪法约束和文化障碍,亚洲证交所未能全面展开并购交易,于是它们纷纷转而争取海外上市公司。
London was not always the hustling, bustling place it is now, though it has long had form in finance. 尽管伦敦从很早开始形成了金融业,便它并不是一直像现在这样忙碌而吵闹的。
I'm hustling my way to success. 我拼了命争取胜利。
The research to the new process of enlarged pipe with hustling 推制式扩管新工艺的研究