Zeneca was at last demerged from its parent firm, ICI 捷利康公司终于从其母公司帝国化工集团中分离了出来。
I hear he's with ICI now. 我听说他现在在帝国化学工业公司工作。
Ici and puts it into a format; that can be a mobile guide to an arts festival; it could be a mobile magazine or a newspaper. 程序是个平台,其中内容,The,app,itself,is,a,platform,which,takes,content,可组织成不同形式,比如艺术节的移动指南;,或者手机报纸或杂志。
The first ICI environmental project was a result of the realization, as a major play in the chemicals industry, ICI would have to address these growing public concerns. 帝国化学工业公司的第一个项目是基于这样的认识:作为化工工业的主力,帝国公司应该处理这些公众日益关注的问题。
Woolworths, Chrysler, Unilever and ICI built head offices that were testimonies to their wealth and permanence. 伍尔沃斯(Woolworths)、克莱斯勒、联合利华、卜内门(ICI)建的公司总部无不是显露财富,夸耀持久。
Black believed the company's first priority was to recover its investment: he was required to spend time on the promotion of beta blockers which he preferred to devote to fresh research. 布莱克猜想,ICI的首要任务是收回投资:他接到了推销β受体阻滞剂的任务,但他宁愿用这些时间来进行新的研究。
The Institute of China Innovation ( ICI) at East China Normal University was founded in2009 and is one of the strategic research centers approved by the Ministry of Education. 华东师范大学科技创新与发展战略研究中心是经教育部批准建设的教育部战略研究基地。
We use the first order linear approximation to approximate the ICI coefficient and utilize the parallel ICI cancellation to compensate the ICI effect. 我们使用一阶线性方法估计ICI系数,与平行载波间干扰消去法抵消ICI效应。
ICI and Nippon are two most aggressive companies and both want to be No. 在这些供应商中,ICI和立邦漆是最进取的两间公司。
A precoding scheme to reduce ICI of multi-user MIMO-OFDM system 一种利用预编码抑制多用户MIMO-OFDM系统中ICI的方法
The risk in financing the bid would have been less than with Marconi or ICI. 为收购进行融资的风险将比不上马可尼或帝国化学工业公司。
He joined ICI because it offered a stimulating and well-funded research environment, and he pursued pharmacology because he was interested in the science. 他加入ICI是因为该公司能够提供一个充满激情而又资金充足的研究环境,而他投身药理学是因为这是他的兴趣所在。
Based on the analysis of ICI mechanism, the self-cancellation scheme and segment equalization scheme are mainly discussed, and an improved segment equalization scheme based on windowed techniq. 在分析子载波间干扰机制的基础上,讨论了自消除方法和分段均衡方法,并提出一种利用加窗技术改进的分段均衡方法。
Industrialist Ludwig Mond ( the company he founded became ICI) died in 1909. 实业家路德维格•蒙德(LudwigMond,他创建的公司后来成为ICI)于1909年辞世。
Once-famous firms such as British Leyland, GEC and ICI have fallen apart or been taken over and dismembered. 曾一度知名的公司像英国利兰,GEC和ICI现在要么已经解体,要么被接管和瓜分。
Based on synthesis consideration of complexity and performance cost, this paper proposed a modified scheme of using the ICI self-cancellation module to replace the convolutional coding module. 基于对数字电视地面传输系统复杂度和性能代价的综合考虑,提出以符号变换为基础的ICI自消除模块替换卷积码模块。
The thesis improves the existed ICI and FCO iterative compilation tool, and uses it to collect the machine learning samples. 本文改进了现有的ICI和FCO自动迭代工具,用以收集机器学习的训练数据。
Based on the existing intercarrier interference ( ICI) self-cancellation scheme, we propose an improved scheme using symbol transform for canceling the ICI effectively. 为了有效消除ICI的影响,该文在ICI自消除方法的基础上提出基于符号变换的改进方法。
We propose two ICI self-cancellation-based CO-OFDM schemes, and adopt a pilot-aided decision feedback ( DFB) loop for CPE compensation. 本文提出了两种基于ICI自消除技术的相干式光OFDM系统方案,并采用了导频辅助判决反馈环对CPE进行补偿。
ICI cancelation method for OFDM communication system based on matrix transformation 基于矩阵变换的OFDM载波干扰消除方法
Analysis of ICI power of OFDM systems in time selective fast fading channel 时间选择性快衰落信道中OFDM系统的ICI功率分析
The interchannel interference ( ICI) and the residual intersymbol interference ( ISI) could be introduced by time varying channel with channel impulse response that exceeds the length of CP. 时变信道以及信道冲激响应超过CP会带来子信道间干扰(ICI)和残留码间干扰(ICI),产生误码率平台。
ICI performance analysis for all phase OFDM systems 全相位OFDM系统子载波间干扰的性能分析
Then the impact of the pulse repetition period, time-hopping slot time and pulse waveform on ICI was studied. 结合公式计算以及仿真结果,研究了脉冲重复周期、跳时步长以及脉冲波形对码间干扰的影响。
Inter-carrier interference cancellation technique based on time domain ICI self-cancellation for OFDM systems OFDM系统中基于时域干扰自消除的载波间干扰抑制技术
I remember vividly the managing director of ICI pharmaceuticals saying to me that he would pay to do his job, he enjoyed it so much. 我记得英国帝国化学的董事总经理曾对我说,他愿意出钱做自己的职务,因为他非常享受这份工作,当时的情景还历历在目。
For inter-carrier interference ( ICI) due to frequency offsets, this paper studies a new ICI self-cancellation scheme for combating the impact of ICI on OFDM systems. 针对频偏引起的正交频分复用(OFDM)系统中载波间干扰(ICI)的问题,提出一种改进的ICI自消除方案。
OFDM system tends to damage the orthogonality for ICI. OFDM的频谱正交性容易受到ICI的影响被破坏。
He described how in the 1960s the environment of ICI was, as he saw it, beginning to change: it was not just the profits from drugs that were making the company more financially oriented. 布莱克从他的个人视角出发,向我讲述了上世纪60年代ICI研究环境发生的变化:导致公司愈发以经济利益为导向的决不仅仅是药品带来的利润。