Implementations are required to diagnose programs that use such extensions that are ill-formed according to this International Standard. 实现应该将使用这些扩展的程序诊断成依据本标准为病态的。
My speech was ill-formed and not pleasant to hear. 我的话很不规范,很不好听。
A configuration registry node representing a driver service entry was ill-formed and did not contain required value entries. 配置注册表节点显示一驱动器服务项目类型不正确,且未包含必须的项目值。
Meanwhile the governing degree of words is helpful to distinguish the syntactic structures so some ill-formed structures are avoided. 同时,词汇支配度增强了对句法结构的识别,有效地避免了非法结构的生成。
Chinglish discussed here is influenced by the negative transfer from the native language, semantically ill-formed but syntactically well-formed in English compositions written by Chinese university students. 本文探讨的中国式英语是中国大学生在英语写作中受母语负迁移的影响而拼造出来的语法正确但不合英语语义规范或不合英语文化习惯的畸形英语。
At present, our country is in a transition period, most diversified geological survey corporates have the problems of operating inefficiently because of ill-formed incomplete governance structure hamper the corporates 'long-distance development. 目前,我国正处于转轨时期,大部分地勘多经企业因为公司治理结构不规范和不完善而存在着运行效果不良的问题,严重阻碍着企业的效益和长远发展。
In addition, investing and financing platform enterprises of local government have the problems of debt risks, insufficient supervising laws and rules, and ill-formed management. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen their management. 同时,地方政府投融资平台企业也存在着债务风险突出,监管法律法规还不够健全,管理欠规范等弊端,应当对其加强管理。