German toy makers said they were planning to produce a teddy bear to immortalise Bruno, the roaming bear which was shot by hunters after spreading panic in the south of the country. 德国的玩具商说,他们计画生产一款玩具熊以追悼「布鲁诺」&那只闯荡游多国但因让德国南部陷入恐慌而遭猎人枪杀的熊。
Yet, like most philanthropists, he has been unable to resist the temptation to immortalise himself, if not in a statue, then in the name of the foundation he created. 不过,像多数慈善家一样,他未能抵御让自己流芳百世的诱惑:如果不能立个塑像,那么就留下自己创建的、以自己名字命名的基金会。