Conscience impelled him to admit his mistake. 良心促迫他承认了错误。
But there was also another duty which bound him and impelled him imperiously in the opposite direction. 但是另外还有一种任务束缚他并极力推他前进。
How a convulsive snatching at social salvation might have impelled her to answer him she could not say. 为了从社会上拯救自己就慌慌忙忙地抓住一个机会,在被迫之下她会怎样回答他,她自己也说不清楚。
I felt impelled to investigate the matter further. 我觉得自己有责任对事情作进一步调查。
But in the course of events he felt impelled to take active part in political affairs. 但在这个过程中的事件,他认为促使采取积极地参与政治事务。
Healthy foods will provide you with more energy, so you will find that you are impelled towards new interests. 健康食品将为您提供更多的能源,所以你会发现你对新的利益激励。
But I still feel impelled to take my own life and end it all. 但我仍然感到要自杀来结束这一切。
The advancement of the concept Regularity Capital in Basel Agreement, impelled the development of banking supervision and development. 1988年的《巴塞尔协议》中监管资本概念的提出,推动了银行监管的发展。
I feel impelled to express grave doubts about the project. 我觉得不得不对这项计划深表怀疑。
Militarily, the constant fight impelled the transition from feudal knight's system of military service to the agreement, the cavalryman to the infantry. 军事上,不断的征战促使封建骑士兵役制向契约制,骑兵制向步兵制的转变;
Regardless of their starting point, or the practical action, all impelled the social development. 无论出发点,还是实际行动都推动了社会发展。
The awareness of the fact that the child was in danger impelled the police to take action. 警察意识到小孩正处于危险中,这迫使他采取行动。
Their feeling that the moment was ripe for action impelled the Party to still greater efforts. 他们觉得时机成熟了,可以采取行动这种想法促使该党作出更大的努力。
It cushioned the fluctuation of the society, and impelled link between the government and the society to develop in the direction of benignity and mutual benefit. 它缓解了社会的波动,促使政府与社会的关系向良性互动方向发展。
He was impelled by strong passion. 他被强烈情感所驱使。
What motives impelled him to do so? 是什麽动机迫使他这麽做?
Since God created the world and brought the naissance of natural beauty, human impelled by beauty have carried a series of activities through, and therewithal have brought art. 从上帝创世纪诞生了自然之美,人类受美的感召进行了一系列的活动,于是有了艺术。
A sudden impulse impelled me to laugh. 一股突来的冲动驱使我发笑。
The Industrial Revolution, Power Revolution, Transmission Revolution and Control Revolution have greatly impelled the technological advances on compacting machinery. 世界工业革命、动力革命、传动革命及控制革命都大大地推动了压实机械的技术进步。
What reason impelled you to go there? 什么原由驱使你到那里去?
It is alive, and is always impelled toward more life. 繁衍是生物本能和潜动力。
Support of Byzantium promoted objectively union of russia, lead to rise of moscow, impelled alliance of Lithuania and poland. 拜占廷支持莫斯科的政策客观上促进了俄罗斯的统一,并直接导致了莫斯科公国的兴起,促使立陶宛与波兰实行王国联合。
You all know the reasons which have impelled me to renounce the throne. 你们都知道促使我放弃王位的理由。
Even though I was angry, something impelled me to smile. 尽管我很生气,但某事让我笑了起来。
After the revision adapted our country's actual situation well, the standard accounting information had disclosed, impelled the stock market development. 修订后更好地适应了我国的实际情况,规范了会计信息披露,推动了证券市场的发展。
I felt impelled to call and ask them what had gone wrong. 我感到非得去叫他们并问问他们出什么事了。
The grain seemed impelled with a force of its own, a resistless, huge force. 这些粮食好象是给自己的力量,给一股势不可当,巨大无比的力量驱使着。
The president's speech impelled the nation to work much harder then ever. 总统的讲演激励全国人民比以前更努力地工作。
Felt impelled to take a stand against the issue. 感到被形势所迫而对这个问题采取反对立场。