They are ready to defend themselves against Uncle Sam's imperialist policies 他们已做好抗击美国帝国主义政策的准备。
Their strategy is expansionist and imperialist, and it is greatest in effect, of course, when there is no countervailing power 他们的策略是扩张性的、带有帝国主义特色,当没有抗衡力量的时候自然也就被发挥到了极致。
The developed nations have all benefited from their imperialist exploitation. 发达国家全都从他们的帝国主义剥削中获益。
The play is being widely read as an allegory of imperialist conquest 这部剧被广泛解读为对帝国主义征服的讽喻。
Down with the imperialist powers! 打倒列强!
Our basic policy is to rely on the war industries of the imperialist countries and of our domestic enemy. 我们的基本方针是依赖帝国主义和国内敌人的军事工业。
I also think we should be imperialist and take over other countries that have a lot of oil. 我也认为我们实践帝国主义,接管有很多石油的其他国家。
Whether on the German side or the Anglo-French, the war is unjust, predatory and imperialist in character. 战争的性质,无论在德国或英法方面,都是非正义的掠夺的帝国主义战争。
The big imperialist powers began a battle royal in dead earnest. 几个大的帝国主义国家之间爆发了一场你死我活的大混战。
It took the imperialist ambitions of Japan to bring America into the war. 它采取了日本帝国主义的野心,使美国的战争。
Generally speaking, they might make some contribution to the anti-imperialist struggle. 一般说来,他们对反帝斗争是可以做出一些贡献的。
First is simply the structure of imperialist sovereignty, which was grounded firmly in the nation-state. 简而言之,第一个就是帝国主义的主权结构,它紧紧落实在民族国家的基础之上。
In countries under imperialist oppression there are two kinds of bourgeoisie& the national bourgeoisie and the comprador-bourgeoisie. 在受帝国主义压迫的国家里,有两种资产阶级,民族资产阶级和买办资产阶级。
The same is true of the contradictions between China and the imperialist powers other than Japan. 中国和日本以外其他帝国主义国家之间的矛盾亦然。
In order to oppose imperialist aggression, we must build a powerful navy. 为了反帝国主义侵略,我们一定要建立强大的海军。
For over a century we were oppressed by several imperialist powers, and this has been an education. 一百多年来,几个帝国主义强国压迫我们,教育了我们。
It opposes imperialist oppression and upholds the dignity and independence of the Chinese nation. 它是反对帝国主义压迫,主张中华民族的尊严和独立的。
Before liberation, China's economy was in the hands of imperialist countries. 解放前,中国的经济由帝国主义国家掌握着。
They are imperialism and feudalism, the bourgeoisie of the imperialist countries and the landlord class of our country. 不是别的,就是帝国主义和封建主义,就是帝国主义国家的资产阶级和本国的地主阶级。
It resorted to imperialist expansion and colonial exploitation, thus making conflicts between nations and races more bitter. 它诉诸帝国主义扩张和殖民剥削手段,从而使民族之间和种族之间的冲突更加剧烈。
In1918 China joined the armed intervention to the Soviet Russia with the imperialist countries. 1918年,中国参与了帝国主义国家对苏俄的武装干涉。
Because it overthrew only the Ching Dynasty but did not overthrow imperialist and feudal oppression and exploitation. 是因为辛亥革命只推翻一个清朝政府,而没有推翻帝国主义和封建主义的压迫和剥削。
Old China was a semi-colonial country under imperialist domination. 旧中国是一个被帝国主义所控制的半殖民地国家。
World War I, so that the imperialist countries has changed the balance of power. 第一次世界大战,使帝国主义各国的力量对比发生了变化。
We fight for an end to imperialist wars and to repression of our class and its struggles. 我们将为终结帝国主义战争和所有针对我们的阶级压迫而战斗。
The imperialist powers forced the Qing Dynasty to sign a series of unequal treaties. 帝国主义列强迫使清王朝签订了一系列不平等条约。
But as a revolutionary national culture it can never link up with any reactionary imperialist culture of whatever nation. 但是决不能和任何别的民族的帝国主义反动文化相联合,因为我们的文化是革命的民族文化。
This imperialist domination manifests itself in the political, economic and cultural fields. 帝国主义者的这种控制权,表现在政治、经济和文化等方面。
It is certainly not the purpose the imperialist powers invading China to transform feudal China into capitalist china. 帝国主义列强侵入中国的目的,决不是要把封建的中国变成资本主义的中国。
Invasion of the imperialist powers, shocked the Chinese people for national salvation noise throughout the country. 帝国主义列强的入侵,震惊了中国人民,救亡图存的声浪遍及全国。