The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences. 让驾驶员深感不满的是驾驶执照收费的提高。
Really the atmosphere of a variorum scholarly edition is an atmosphere of take your choice, not a kind of tyrannical imposition on the public of a particular version of the text. 这种集注的学术版本真的给读者一种自己选择的氛围,而不是独断地强加给读者,某种特定的版本。
The rules of the game are an arbitrary imposition of difficulty. 游戏中的种种规则,便是将困难武断地强加于人。
The imposition of sanctions – and the threat of more – has provided necessary leverage. 施加制裁以及加大制裁的威胁提供了必要的影响力。
The imposition of formal economic sanctions or visa bans on members of the Russian elite would heighten the pain. 实施正式经济制裁或者对俄罗斯部分精英人士禁发签证将加深俄罗斯的痛苦。
The imposition of heavy emergency custom duties have render our position exceedingly difficult. 由于海关征收繁重的紧急关税,使得我们处于极其困难的境地。
Iran had previously hoped that Russia would delay the imposition of any sanctions. 伊朗此前曾希望,俄罗斯能够拖延对伊朗实施的任何制裁。
Providing proposal on imposition of definitive anti-dumping or countervailing duties or proposals on duty refund, etc. 就征收最终反倾销或反补贴税提出建议或就退税提出建议等。
On Monday the US senate pressed forward with a bill allowing for the imposition of tariffs on Chinese goods. 10月3日,美国参议院进一步通过一项法案,允许对中国商品征收报复性关税。
Reason consists in the imposition of a method for the conquest of nature. 理性存在于,对征服自然的方法的强迫接受之中。
The evade taxation is to show taxpayer is undesigned not the behavior of capture or imposition of little capture. 漏税是指纳税人并非故意未缴或则少缴税款的行为。
Anti-dumping: Imposition of customs duties to prevent selling at an unfairly low price. 反倾销:海关职责中为防止不正当低价格销售而采取的征税措施。
He's not talking about the imposition of law through force or any other means on a colonized world. 他没有讨论在殖民地,通过武力或其他方式来实施法律。
Would it be too much of an imposition to ask you to pick my parents up from the airport? 请您去机场接我的父母是不是太强人所难了?
Would it be an imposition to ask you to mail this parcel? 请你邮寄这个小包裹算是利用你吗?
The US had pressured South Korea to cut out trade with Iran following the imposition of sanctions in September. 在9月份对伊实施制裁后,美国向韩国施压,要求其断绝与伊朗的贸易往来。
It's an imposition to ask the workers to work sixteen hours a day. 要求工人每天工作十六个小时,真是太过份了。
Punished by the imposition of a penalty. 处以强迫罚款的惩罚。
In most cases there is no visible imposition of the parent firm's policies. 多数情况下,总公司的政策并没有什么明显的要求。
The imposition of taxes on international financial flows has symbolic significance for emerging market investors. 对投资于新兴市场的人士而言,对国际资本流入征税具有重大的象征意义。
In March, the league gave unprecedented support for the imposition of a no-fly zone over Libya. 在三月份,该联盟对在利比亚设立禁飞区给出了前所未有的支持。
The unilateral imposition of tariffs would be illegal under Global trade rules. 在全球贸易规则之下,单方面征收关税可能是非法的。
The imposition of order or discipline. 命令或纪律的强迫接受。
G20 governments have continued to exercise restraint over the imposition of new trade restrictions, the WTO concluded. 该组织得出结论称:G20国家政府在实施新的贸易限制措施方面继续表现出克制。
Everyone grumbled at the imposition of new taxes. 对征收新加的赋税人人都抱怨。
The sixteenth Amendment, which permits imposition of a federal income tax without appointment among the states. 第十六次修正案允许在各州之间不按照比例分配征收联邦所得税。
They are demanding the imposition of a prohibition on rent increases. 他们正在要求对提租下一道禁令。
Imposition is in charge of pay by you. 税款由你公司负责缴纳。
I know it's a bit of an imposition, but could you watch the kids for ten minutes? 你能照看孩子们十分钟吗?我知道这是一种负担。
IN RAW economic terms Barack Obama's imposition of tariffs on Chinese tyres hardly registers. 即使是用最原始的经济原理,奥巴马对中国轮胎征收的税务也不合理。