The Secretary's letter questions my veracity and impugns my motives 部长的来信怀疑我的诚实,质疑我的动机。
All I can hope is that the good name of the Bank will not be impugned in some way. 我所希望的,就是该银行的好名声不要在某些方面受到质疑。
Possessing an attitude of schadenfreude, the media not only dismiss, but would seek to impugn and deny China's leaders 'sincerity when they express the Chinese people's vital need for and yearning for peace and harmony with their Asian neighbors and with the United States. 持有这种幸灾乐祸的态度,媒体不仅会被驳回,而且会寻求抨击和否定中国领导人诚意&当他们表达中国人民对与亚洲邻国和美国的构建和平与和谐关系的迫切需要和向往的时候。
He may attempt to impugn the reputation of his victim. 他可能试图去诋毁他的受害者的名声。
To tolerate Socrates would be to say to him that we care little for our way of life and that we are willing to let you challenge it and impugn it every day. 若是容忍苏格拉底,就像在对他说,我们不是很在意我们的生活方式,我们愿意让你提出挑战并日日进行抨击。
They were daring to impugn the profession of medicine. 他们胆敢指责医药职业。
But this camouflage to save China was soon penetrated by Chinese, student abroad wrote to impugn Japan, pointed out the complot hidden-penetrate force in secret to monologize China. 但是日本保全中国的幌子很快被中国人看穿,不多时,留学生们发表文章抨击日本的保全主义,指出其背后隐藏的险恶用心,乃是暗中对中国进行渗透,达到独吞中国的野心。
On the criterion of proving science, all this conceptions are not positive, so it is understandable to impugn traditional Chinese medicine by this. 从求证的标准而言,这些概念都是不可求证的,以求证责难中医理论是可以理解的。