He is bitter about the inaction of the other political parties. 对其他政党的无作为他多有挖苦。
Inaction tears at our conscience and can lead to more costly intervention later. 不采取行动不仅折磨我们的良心,还会导致未来以更高的代价进行干预。
They tend to exaggerate the costs and risks of acting, and discount those of inaction. 他们往往夸大行动的成本和风险,却低估无所作为的成本和风险。
But Secretary Rice said that is no excuse for inaction. 但是赖斯表示,这不是不采取行动的理由。
Paralysis In Taking Needed Actions: In some cases, fear can overwhelm and even paralyze you to inaction. 必要的行动不能正常进行。在一些情况下,你将被害怕压倒,甚至使你无法采取行动,一切处于瘫痪状态。
The long-term costs of ignorance, apathy, or inaction about code maintainability problems are very high. 长期以来对代码维护性问题的冷漠、无知、无为,造成了巨大的损失。
But that cant be an excuse for inaction. 但这不能是不作为的理由。
And yet there are some causes for optimism on the fundamentals& including recent policy inaction. 然而,也有一些原因包括近期的政策无为让人对基本面感到乐观。
You may be wrong, of course, but a risk of error is no excuse for inaction. 当然,你可能会犯错,但犯错的风险不是不行动的借口。
Acceptance is not a state of passivity or inaction. 接受不是被动或怠惰的情况。
The shame which he suffered as a result of his inaction recalled him to a sense of duty. 由于懒散而使蒙受的耻辱迫使他恢复了责任感。
This is a place for inaction. 这是一个”不作为“之地。
But nor can Mr Noda afford inaction. 但野田佳彦也承担不起不行动的代价。
We cannot let the age of austerity be the age of inaction the climate will not wait. 我们不能让一个紧缩的时代变成一个无所作为的时代,气候问题时不我待。
Now I know that reading is dreaming, that dreaming is sleeping and thought inaction. 现在我知道了,读书就是在做梦,做梦就是在睡觉和思想停止。
The investigating panel said the crisis was avoidable and resulted directly from human action and inaction. 调查小组说,这场危机是可以避免的,是人类行为和无所作为造成这样的结果。
Yes, his failures and inaction can only be commonplace," fate "of the the doomed. 是的,他的失败和怠惰只能变得平凡,“命运”早已命中注定。
For him it was a fatal inaction. 对他来说,这一次休息却是一个致命伤。
A robot may not injure a human being or through inaction allow a human being to come to harm. 机器人不能伤害人类,也不能对人类受到伤害而坐视不理。
On this issue, the consequences of inaction could be catastrophic. 在这个问题上,不采取行动将会带来灾难性的后果。
Inaction contributed to the loss of confidence in important asset prices. 缺乏行动导致市场对重要资产价格丧失了信心。
An innovation company should reward failure but punish inaction. 一个创新的公司应该奖励失败,但是惩罚无为。
The cost of inaction on the Doha Agenda is rising, the World Bank study cautions. 世界银行研究报告警告说,在多哈议程上无所作为的代价在上升。
Oracle's actions and inaction have actually made this possible. 正是Oracle的措施和无为使得这成为可能。
Inaction is, perhaps, inevitable for politicians faced with a difficult trade-off between political expediency and fiscal reality. 对于在政治权宜之计和财政现实之间进行艰难取舍的政客们来说,不作为或许是不可避免的。
We are now acting because the risks of inaction would be far greater. 我们现在行动,因为不行动的风险会远远地更大。
That runway is needed now, yet planning and government inaction will probably delay its construction to 2020. 这条跑道如今很有必要,然而,计划的制定以及政府的无为很可能会将其修建推迟至2020年。
To recognize this fact, however, is not to counsel inaction, indecision, or despair. 然而,承认这一事实并不是要人无所作为,犹豫不决,或者陷入绝望;
We do not accept this as an excuse for government inaction. 以此作为政府不采取行动的借口,我们不能接受。