The research concluded, "actions, or errors of commission, generate more regret in the short-term; but inactions, or errors of omission, produce more regret in the long run." 研究的结论是:“行动或者做错事会带来较多短期内的后悔情绪,而不作为或者疏漏则会带来较多长期后悔情绪。”
World War II and life in general have taught me that outcomes from our actions or inactions are often totally unpredictable and random. 第二次世界大战以及我的整个人生让我明白,我们的作为和不作为造成的结果,往往完全是不可预测的、随机的。
Yet she has acted almost without heed to the actions – or rather, inactions – of central bankers in the US, eurozone and Japan. 然而,她采取行动时,对美国、欧洲与日本央行的作为或者更确切地说是不作为几乎毫不在意。
It is an artificial construct created by man to justify his inactions and insouciance. 它是人类创造出来判断懒惰与漠不关心的一种人造概念。
The president will find that his actions or inactions will have important implications for US interests in the long term. 奥巴马会发现,他的作为,或者不作为,将对美国的长期利益产生重大影响。
At present, the researches on DNA damage by means of Monte Carlo method are focused on single-strand breaks, double-strand breaks and corresponding clustered damages induced by direct and indirect inactions of radiation. 应用这一方法,目前国际上关于辐射诱导DNA损伤的研究主要集中在辐射的直接和间接作用引起单链断裂、双链断裂及其相应的簇损伤上。