Freedom is no blank indeterminateness: essentially concrete, and unvaryingly self determinate, it is so far at the same time necessary. 自由本质上是具体的,它永远自己决定自己,因此同时又是必然的。
TCM: a theory and method grasping indeterminateness 中医学是把握不确定性的理论与方法
The indeterminateness of the code lengths produced by Huffman coding results in a low efficiency of Huffman decoding process. 由于霍夫曼算法产生的码字长度不固定,使得霍夫曼解码过程的效率较低。
The innate fuzziness of literary language, the blankness and indeterminateness of the text meaning have determined the schematic characteristic of the text and constitute the appealing structure of the text as an aesthetic object in interpreting process. 文学语言的内在模糊性,文本意义的空白和不确定性,决定了文本的框架性特征,构成了文本作为审美客体的召唤结构。
Evaluation of Indeterminateness on Measuring Al_2O_3 Inclusion in Steel by Electrolytic Method 电解法测定钢中Al2O3夹杂的不确定度评定
Effect of Certain Indeterminateness on Ultimate Loads of Centrally-loaded Steel Columns and Analysis of Resistance Indeterminateness 各种不定性对中心钢压杆极限承载力的影响及抗力不定性分析
Based on the indeterminateness of the information about river water environment systems, a study is made on the water environment capacity of common river water bodies by use of the unascertained mathematical theory. 基于河流水环境系统信息不确定性特点,运用未确知数学理论,就未确知信息下一般河流水体纳污能力计算问题进行初步研究。
To reduce as much indeterminateness and error that may occur as possible in classifying data around the division, an fuzzy separation formula was given on the membership principles of fuzzy set theory. 为尽量减少分界点附近数据可能造成的不确定性和误差,文中首先按模糊集合论的隶属度原则,建立了模糊划分公式。
BACKGROUND: Pleiotropia and indeterminateness of the differentiation of neural stem cells ( NSCs) cause great difficulties for clinical application. Therefore, it is the key to solving the problem to investigate the proliferation and differentiation condition of NSCs. 背景:由于神经干细胞分化的多向性和不确定性给临床应用造成巨大困难,因此,探讨神经干细胞增殖分化条件已成为解决这一问题的关键。
Ordinary language strives for clarity and accuracy while poem language strives for ambiguity and indeterminateness, even beauty obtained from flexible use of words having different understandings. 普通语言讲究语义的准确明晰,诗歌语言则具有模糊性和不确定性,甚至极力追求义有多解的弹性美。
The effect of certain indeterminateness on the ultimate loads of centrally-loaded columns is calculated in this paper, and the method of analyzing resistance indeterminateness discussed. 本文计算了某些影响因素不定性对中心钢压杆极限承载力的影响。
Static indeterminateness of equilibrium problem of ladder with friction 有摩擦斜梯平衡问题的非静定性
Chinese vocabularies have characteristics of indeterminateness, polysemy, flexibility of parts of speech and the lack of morphology changing. 汉语的词汇具有词性的不定性、多义性、词类活用、词法缺少形态变化等特点。
Comments on some methods that are unreasonable are made and some ideas for the reasonable determination of resistance indeterminateness suggested. 对钢压杆抗力不定性分析方法作了探讨,指出了某些方法有不尽合理之处,对怎样更合理地确定抗力不定性提出了建议。
In the paper, the security of IH system basic model is analyzed, a method of modeling the security of IH system with indeterminateness and the basic security condition of the security model are given. 通过对信息隐藏系统基本模型的安全性分析,提出引入不确定性构建信息隐藏系统安全模型的思想,推导了安全模型的基本安全条件。
When there are quite a number of structure indeterminateness, it is difficult to solve the equations by ordinary methods. 当结构超静定次数较多时,按常规方法求解三弯矩方程比较费时。
Modeling the Security of Information Hiding System with Indeterminateness 引入不确定性的信息隐藏系统安全模型
The fuzzy gathering classification analytical method, combining fuzzy similar method can overcome the indeterminateness and change qualitative forecast to quantitative. 采用模糊聚类及模糊相似原理2种方法结合分析预测,不仅克服了模糊聚类单一分析方法的不确定性,使定性预报转为定量预报,而且提高了预报效果的准确程度。
Relation between common constraint and statical indeterminateness in planar mechanism 平面连杆机构中公共约束数与静不定次数的研究
Considering the openness and indeterminateness of the literary text, its interpretation is somehow more arbitrary than other types of texts. 因为文学文本的意义是开放性的,因此其理解相较其他文本类型更具主观性。