In those days the ruling classes indoctrinated students with Confucian teachings and compelled the people to venerate all the trappings of Confucianism as religious dogma, and all writers used the classical language. 那时的统治阶级都拿孔夫子的道理教学生,把孔夫子的一套当作宗教教条一样强迫人民信奉,做文章的人都用文言文。
We don't want our children being indoctrinated with religious propaganda. 我们不想让自己的孩子受到宗教宣传的影响。
Both men and women have been indoctrinated for too long. 男男女女都接受思想灌输太久了。
He's been indoctrinated with the objectives of the United states. 他被灌输的是美国政府计划。
He will behave thereafter as he has been trained or indoctrinated to behave. 人们训练或教导他怎样待人接物,他以后也就会怎样待人接物。
Malleus Maleficarum or The Witches'Hammer indoctrinated the world to "the dangers of freethinking women" and instructed the clergy how to locate, torture, and destroy them. 它向人们灌输“自由思考的女人给世界带来威胁”的思想,并教导神职人员如何去识别,折磨并消灭她们。
They have been indoctrinated by television to believe that violence is normal. 他们受到电视节目的灌输,认为暴力行为是正常的。
If that is what you want, break out of the mindset that has resulted from being indoctrinated by the dark Ones. 如果这就是你期待的,那么就摆脱那些一直被黑暗势力灌输的精神状态吧。
They have those political opinions because they've been indoctrinated all their lives. 他们具有那种政治主张,因为他们一生都在被灌输那种观点。
So, I think what we really need to know on a personal level is: What can we do to help ourselves not be indoctrinated by this passive programming that's coming out to us? 所以,我认为我们确实在个人角度上需要知道:我们能做些什么来帮助我们自己不被针对我们的那种消极被动的程序规划(programming)所灌输?
Meanwhile their pupils, thoroughly indoctrinated as to the value of medical evidence, read about new research in the British medical journal every week. 同时,他们的学生被彻底灌输了医学证据的价值,他们每周都会阅读《英国医学杂志》(britishmedicaljournal)上发表新的研究。
We are indoctrinated early: "why has that lady got a moustache, Mummy?" 我们幼时是这样受教育的:“妈妈,那个女人为什么留小胡子?”
You've been indoctrinated from the day you were born. 你从出生的那天起就在接受灌输。
In the traditional teacher training, teacher are usually indoctrinated by the external education theories and knowledge, however, people often neglect the teacher's personal knowledge and experience. 在传统的教师培训中,人们往往向教师灌输外来的教育理论和知识,却忽视了教师自己所拥有的知识和经验。
Second, the moral education is indoctrinated in one way. 其二,道德教育方式的单向度灌输。