Many politicians are trying to ingratiate themselves with her. 许多政客都设法讨她的欢心。
He did his best to ingratiate himself with the royal family. 他竭力向王室献媚。
He tried to ingratiate himself with the manager. 他想讨好儿经理。
I note that the repellent Masters was the opposite of Blair and Frost, who tried to ingratiate. 我说,布莱尔和弗罗斯特喜欢迎合别人,惹人厌的马斯特斯则正好相反。
People use conformity to ingratiate themselves with others. 人们利用随大流来讨好其他人。
In private, some even went so far as to fling mud ather, saying she tried to ingratiate herself withthe general manager using her feminine charms. 私下里,有些人竟然恶意中伤,说她试图施展女性魅力来讨好总经理。
He tried to ingratiate himself with his girl friend. 他设法取悦于他的女朋友。
He had sent it to ingratiate himself and to get intelligence. 他送这些炸药过去是为了讨好利比亚政权从而获取情报。
After establishing the state, even though they ingratiate with them in order to maintain their ruling state, their conflict and struggle in political concepts become intense. 孙权立国后,出于维护统治的需要,虽对江东大族施以笼络,但政治观念的冲突与斗争不断激化。
It is a work intended to ingratiate himself to Lorenzo de Medici, the man to whom the work is dedicated, a customary prince, a traditional prince who has just regained his power. 本书是针对,他迎合罗伦佐?梅迪西所写,后者即是本着作所要致献的人,一个按惯例策立的君王,一位传统的君王,且才刚重获权力。
Friend wanted to ingratiate themselves with, if you did, then you are honorable. 朋友要讨好自己的,如果你没有,那么你就光荣。
Ingratiate oneself to vote after the Left Luggage. 买好票后就去寄存行李。
Alexander Hamilton; Arising under this Constitution; John Marshall; Unconstitutional act; To ingratiate; lesson. 汉密尔顿;发生在宪法之下;马歇尔;违宪;献媚;教训。
Either having fun was higher up his to-do list than it needed to be or, as a sleeve-tugging suspicion persists, such a politically astute man was trying to ingratiate himself with an incoming administration that prized loyalty above more ascetic virtues. 要么在他的任务排名中,寻找乐趣比应得的位置要高,要么正如人们一直怀疑的那样,这个在政治精明的人,是在迎合一个将忠诚置于所有美德之上的新一届政府。
The former was an orphan who was upright, outspoken, hated evil like an enemy and longed for individual equality, and especially never trig to ingratiate herself with her master, then died tragically. 一个是无家孤女,刚烈率真,疾恶如仇,向往平等,从不献媚于主子,到死都没有改变问罪于天的姿态;
Some politicians tried to ingratiate rich or influential people so as to get more supporters. 一些政客努力迎合有钱或者有势力的人以便获得更多的支持者。
I used to be upset by these attempts to ingratiate. 我以前常常对这样的“讨好”感到厌烦。
Bob tried to ingratiate himself with the teacher by giving her presents. 鲍勃想以送礼的方式来讨好老师。
I could see the new student trying to ingratiate himself with the teacher, in hopes of better marks. 我看得出来这新来的学生在竭力巴结老师,想得高分。
The argumentative results in a loss of the diversification of spiritual beliefs and a further strengthening on duality-combating thinking mode, as a result, intellectuals ingratiate the mainstream, and gradually abandon their didacticism merits and stands. 讨论促使了思想信仰多元化空间的丧失,二元对立的战争思维模式进一步被强化,知识分子对主流意识形态的迎合过程也是他们逐步放弃启蒙主义价值立场的过程。
Because the lovers to ingratiate themselves with song, song teasers, so folk and lover, the relationship between love and is especially good, go recently! 正因为恋人们能以歌交心,以歌传情,所以民歌和恋人、和爱情的关系特好、走得最近!