In addition, he said, war-simulation shooting games have become popular there, creating an inroad for the 'Call of Duty' games. ' 他说,除此以外,模拟战争场景的射击游戏已经在中国流行开来,为《使命召唤》之类的游戏进入创造了条件。
As well as acting as an inroad to a great economic hinterland, international financial centres provide a site where banks headquartered elsewhere can mediate transactions between companies and institutions also based externally elsewhere. 除了充当一条通向更广阔经济腹地的通道,国际金融中心还提供了一个场所,在这里,总部位于其他地区的银行能够撮合总部也位于其他地区的企业和机构之间的交易。
It suggests a new innovative inroad of inspiration for fashion. 这表现出了一个新的创新灵感上的巨大进步。
They tend to have plain wedding rings in the traditional metals, 18-carat gold or platinum, although palladium is making a little bit of an inroad into that situation due to price. 他们热衷于佩戴由18K金或铂金这些传统金属制成的普通婚戒,但钯金这个元素由于价格比黄金和铂金要便宜,所以或多或少会影响黄金和铂金戒指的销售。
Already the children have make considerable inroad on the food. 孩子们早已吃掉不少食物。
Finally, perforate vessel wall, inroad extracellular matrix ( ECM) and enter into the definite tissue to form the metastasis. 最后穿过血管壁,侵入细胞外基质(ECM),进入特定组织或器官形成转移灶。
In the seriously and medially burnt larch and scotch pine stand, the secondary insects inroad more quickly and the damage rate and insect population density are all higher. 落叶松林、樟子松林经严重烧伤和中度烧伤后,蛀干害虫侵入快,被害株率和虫口密度都高。
This article is based on the material balance equation and the no fixed water inroad equation, educe the equation of the no water recovery and the water coming time. 以物质平衡方式和不定态水侵公式等油藏工程理论为基础,得出无水期采收率和油藏见水时间的计算公式。
Xiamen, a coastal city, its seaside scenery also gives the leisure square inroad which around the island, the unique charm of space. 厦门,作为一个临海城市,其环岛海滨的自然风光也赋予了环岛路一带休闲广场独具特色、魅力的空间。
The phenomenon of inroad the interests of shareholders is very serious at present. 我国现阶段,控股股东侵害上市公司及中小股东权益的现象十分严重。
In order to attract potential customers, expand foreign exchange and cooperation, and find inroad into the international market, Chinese companies have set up web pages that introduce their products and services in English. 为了吸引潜在客户、扩大企业对外交流与合作、打入国际市场,各大企业纷纷建立英文网页来介绍企业产品与服务、树立其品牌形象。