Hansen and his partner were fired for insubordination. 汉森和他的搭档因为不服从上级安排被解雇了。
Thanks to Facebook, twitter, et al, the global scalability of individual acts of insubordination creates a "new normal" for seemingly entrenched elites and potential rebels alike. 拜Facebook、Twitter等社交媒体所赐,个人不服从行为在全球范围的蔓延为似乎根深蒂固的精英和潜在反叛者创造了一个“新常态”。
Reay said she relented and called her mother to bring a different outfit, but by then school officials had already suspended her for insubordination. Reay说她退了一步叫她母亲拿来了另一套衣服,但是那时学校官员已经因其不服从管理而将其停学。
Such personal problems often result in absenteeism, insubordination, and low productivity at work. 这类个人问题常会造成在工作中旷工、不服从管理和生产效率低下等。
In terms of my insubordination to you, you're absolutely right, general. 对于我不服从你这件事,你是绝对没错的,将军。
The leader regarded such refusals to cooperate as insubordination. 领导者认为这种拒绝合作就是不服从。
On the evening of April 23 Speer made a full confession of his insubordination in refusing to carry out the wanton destruction of Germany's remaining installations. 在4月23日那天晚上,斯佩尔全部坦白了他拒绝执行盲目破坏德国的残余设备。
"Insubordination, including but not limited to, refusal to follow a superior's request or instructions, disrespectful talk or actions towards supervisor" 不服从上级,包括但不限于拒绝听从主管的要求或指示,对主管使用不尊敬的语言或行为
A detective who was busted to uniformed traffic patrol for insubordination; 因不服从命令而被降级到穿统一制服的交通巡逻队的侦探;
Two officers were reported for insubordination. 两名军官被举报违抗命令。
He dislikes dancing, idleness and insubordination; he observes scenery with the tactical coldness of a sniper. 他不喜欢跳舞、无所事事与桀骜不驯;他以一个狙击手的职业性冷漠淡然观看着周围的一切。
His insubordination paid off when he won a gold medal in the team é p é e event in Antwerp. 他的执着在他安特卫普奥运赛场上,了回报,他赢得重剑团体的金牌。
"Certainly they do," the king said." They obey instantly. I do not permit insubordination. " “那当然!”国王对他说,“它们立即就得服从。我是不允许无纪律的。”
The worker was disciplined for insubordination. 这个工人因为不服从而受到惩罚。
What are you up to inciting mutiny and insubordination? 你们干吗在这里煽动骚动的叛乱呀。
Kheagan: What are you talking about? Is this the order from the Pontiff Court? Riordan, take these men back to base. I will not tolerate futher insubordination. 卡丹:你到底在说什么?这是法皇厅的命令吗?鲁德勒,把这些人带回司令部去。我将不会在宽恕你进一步的犯上。
Punishing kim's insubordination by helping her plant these. 帮金种花来惩罚她不服从组织。
This is a kind of loneliness which Serious doubt the truth of life but insubordination, it likes foreordination and makes people can't resist. 这是一种对生活真相产生的严重怀疑但却不愿屈服的孤独,如同宿命一般让人无法抗拒。
I do not permit insubordination. 我是不允许无纪律的。
In their compositions, they evolved a typical theme of personality through singing highly for individual values, eulogizing individual dreams, revealing mental agony and expressing insubordination to the society. 当他们发而为文时,高扬个体自我的价值,讴歌个体自我的理想,倾诉个体自我的痛苦,表达个体自我反抗社会的要求,从而形成了鲜明的个性主题。
Into the Third Republic, the co-existence of the three main parties, the growing strength and insubordination of one party and all matters being centered on elections not only characterize party politics, but also reflect the common aspects of political developments in African countries. 进入第三共和国后,政党政治呈现出三党并立、一党坐大和一切围绕选举等特点,既是本身发展历程的结果,也反映出非洲国家政治发展的共性。