Following all those years of school education, their systems of thought have been established based on mainstream culture. But the rebelliousness of young people drives them to show that they have a different way of thinking. 在多年的学校教育后,年轻人的思想体系已被构筑于主流文化的基础之上,而他们的反叛意识又驱使他们展现自己独特的思考方式。
Music is a regular theme in his work, especially the rebelliousness of rock 'n' roll. 音乐是他作品中的一个常规主题,尤其是叛逆的摇滚乐。
Huang is as exacting a boss as he is an insubordinate employee, but he is often forced to suffer the rebelliousness of his staff. 作为老板,黄的苛刻程度与他作为雇员的刺头程度相比有过之而无不及,但他也经常要忍受自己手下的叛逆。
He also had a cheeky rebelliousness toward authority, which led one headmaster to expel him and another to amuse history by saying that he would never amount to much. 他同样对权威持有甚至是不太礼貌的叛逆性格。因此曾有一位校长把他开除,另一位和历史开了个玩笑地说道爱因斯坦不可能大有作为。
Perhaps in a certain sense, the rebelliousness of punk did not totally oriented to unemployment itself, but it was the emptiness and boredom of being unemployed generated its rock and roll career. 也许从某种意义上来说,朋克的反抗也并非完全是指向失业本身的,也许正是失业的空虚与无聊才带来了摇滚生涯。
Because this challenge comes across in a voice totally unlike the shrill, fake rebelliousness other brands seem convinced is'youth. ' 因为这一挑战发自完全不同的声音-它绝非刺耳的尖叫,与其它品牌所相信的代表“年青”的伪装反叛有着本质的区别。
The teachers of the school, impressed by his intelligence, overlooked some of his pranks. However, it was his rebelliousness in the end that caused him to be expelled. 他的聪颖给老师留下深刻的印象,同时老师也不喜欢他放荡不羁的作风。然而,最后正是由于他的反叛导致了他被开除出了学校。
Instead, most teenagers doggedly avoid the paths taken by their parents, not just out of rebelliousness, but because they have seen the costs. 恰恰相反,大多数孩子执意避免走与父母相同的道路,这不仅仅出于叛逆心理,也是因为他们看到了父母为之付出的代价。
I think I had a little streak of rebelliousness too. 我想我身上有那么一点反叛的色彩。
Post-modernism, which affects the whole world with its extreme rebelliousness and subversiveness, has influenced the works of Chinese directors of the new generation which sprang up in the1990s. 后现代主义思想以其极端的反叛性和颠覆性影响全球,这种思想也深深的影响了崛起于90年代的中国“新生代”导演的创作。
Rebelliousness, fatalism and experimentalism are the core pursuit of modernism, which is regarded as the main trend of literature in the 20th century, and the overturn of the existing literature norm as well. 20世纪的文学主潮是现代主义,现代主义核心的美学追求是反叛性、先锋性、试验性,是对既有文学规范的颠覆。
The two kinds of above-mentioned image have shown a particular characteristic in common: rebelliousness, which is also the breakthrough point of this research. 顽主和垮掉的一代这两类人物形象身上所体现出的最大共同点即他们所具有的反叛性,这也为本文研究提供了切入点。