They asked my father to intercede with the king on their behalf 他们请我父亲为他们向国王求情。
He had occasionally tried to intercede for me 他有时候也极力为我说情。
It has also asked Britain and the United States to intercede. 它也请了英国与美国进行斡旋。
He was quickly snubbed when he tried to intercede. 当他试着说情时很快被制止了。
Then Samuel said," Assemble all Israel at Mizpah and I will intercede with the LORD for you. " 撒母耳说:“要使以色列众人聚集在米斯巴,我好为你们祷告耶和华。”
Mr. Ishihara responded to the Noda administration's overture brusquely, telling reporters Saturday it was 'rash and reckless' for the central government to intercede as he proceeds with his plan to buy the territory. 石原慎太郎无礼地回应了野田佳彦政府的提议。他上周六对记者说,在自己实施购买计划之际,日本中央政府进来插一脚实在是又草率又鲁莽。
For consumers, bitcoin's speed can be a dual-edged sword: If something goes wrong, there's no third party to intercede and get your money back. 对消费者来说,比特币的速度是一把双刃剑:如果出现问题,是没有第三方干预并帮你追回款项的。
In recent months, the judge in charge of the case appealed to the pope to intercede, with the Vatican conducting its own civil investigation. 在最近几个月里,此案法官诉诸教皇出面斡旋,梵蒂冈也就此案展开了自己的民事调查。
We asked the Lord to fully REALIGN THE ROOT and began to intercede for a full reversal with signs and wonders. 我们祈求主完全重整这根,并开始祈求一个带著神迹奇事的完全翻转。
The lawyer is hoping to be able to intercede with the prison governor, asking that the prisoner should be set free. 律师希望能说通监狱长,请求他释放那名囚犯。
I pray for you and intercede before the Most High for your sincere conversion. 我会为你们祈祷,求主帮助你们有一个真诚的皈依。
This attitude started to change during the latter part of the19th century, when small business, farm, and labor movements began asking the government to intercede on their behalf. 到了19世纪后期,当小企业、农场和劳工运动要求政府出面为他们调停时,这种态度才开始变化。
I do. I knew that to intercede for George would have been to ruin his cause. 我了解他。我知道,为乔治说情,就会毁了他的事。
The Holy Spirit is purposely given to intercede for me in prayer. 神赐给我圣灵是有目的的,祂要在祷告中为我代求。
You should anticipate this baby to intercede on your behalf on the Day of Judgment. 你应该期望这个婴儿会在复生日审判时为你说情。
Couldn't you ask governor Lambert to intercede? 你可以让兰勃特州长出面调解吗?
Farm and labor movements began to ask the government to intercede on their behalf. 农民和劳工运动开始要求政府代表他们出面调解。
So far, China has conveniently relied on other countries to intercede for it. 迄今为止,中国在苏丹问题上一直依靠其他国家出面斡旋,这是一种省事的办法。
Also common to the prophets is their ability to intercede for their people. 还共同先知是他们的调解能力为自己的人民。
It was Jesus, God's perfect Son, the only One Who could intercede for us and cause God to forgive our sins! 他就是耶稣,神完美的儿子,只有他能够为我们祷告,并使神原谅我们的罪。
He came to beg him to intercede with the revolutionaries. 他来恳求他出面跟革命党人斡旋。
Intercede with a person for his son. 为其儿子向某人说情。
Local groups asked the politician to intercede with the government on their behalf. 地方团体请该政治家代他们向政府求情。