
英 [ˌɪntəˈlɒkjətə(r)] 美 [ˌɪntərˈlɑːkjətər]

n.  参加谈话者; 对话者; (代表他人的)中间对话者



BNC.23189 / COCA.18921



  1. 参加谈话者;对话者
    a person taking part in a conversation with you
    1. (代表他人的)中间对话者
      a person or an organization that talks to another person or organization on behalf of sb else


      1. N-COUNT 对话者
        Your interlocutor is the person with whom you are having a conversation.
        1. Owen had the habit of staring motionlessly at his interlocutor.
      2. N-COUNT (会谈或谈判的)参加者,代表
        If a person or organization has a role as an interlocutor in talks or negotiations, they take part or act as a representative in them.
        1. ...Judge Thomas Pigot QC, recommended that cross examination could be conducted through an interlocutor and as part of the video interview process.
        2. ...key interlocutors in the Middle East conference.


      1. Owen had the habit of staring motionlessly at his interlocutor.
      2. Clarity is always refreshing, and what my interlocutor had said is very much the German perception of current political reality in Europe.
      3. With nihilism, no discussion is possible; for the nihilist logic doubts the existence of its interlocutor, and is not quite sure that it exists itself.
      4. Tess hastily explained that he had been called away on business, and, leaving her interlocutor, clambered over the garden-hedge, and thus made her way to the house.
      5. Tess's attention was thus attracted to the dairyman's interlocutor, of whom she could see but the merest patch, owing to his burying his head so persistently in the flank of the milcher.
      6. Therefore, it helps to clarify what is bothering your interlocutor before a small misconception turns into a heated argument.
      7. Looking a person straight in the eyes while carrying on a conversation sends a few clear messages to your interlocutor: you are comfortable in their company; you are relaxed and confident; you are paying attention to the conversation.
      8. Some Pakistani analysts have held up Mr. Rehman as a relative moderate who could have been a suitable interlocutor for such talks.
      9. If you are British, your French interlocutor won't expect you to act French. She knows you are different.
      10. If not engaged by his interlocutor, Roosevelt was prone to pick up a book and start reading.
      11. The Treasury secretary made clear he had no intention of surrendering the role of principle interlocutor between the US and China.
      12. Full Screen Caller will show a big picture and detailed information about your interlocutor.
      13. We cannot of course put the toothpaste back in the tube; the credibility of the State Department as a reliable interlocutor has evaporated, and no doubt for a long time.
      14. Debray stepped forward, and cordially pressed the hand of his interlocutor.
      15. On a visit to Tokyo this week, on more than one occasion when I asked how Japan should tackle the economic crisis, my interlocutor turned with ninja-like alacrity to the topic of pre-Meiji Japan.
      16. He had a bulging glass eye that seemed more interested in his interlocutor than the healthy eye.
      17. The panoramic authority with which the Chinese leaders ( and their interlocutor) dissect the world is breathtaking.
      18. He looked at his interlocutor across the table.
      19. The account manager, the unique interlocutor with the client, meets the needs that may arise at any time.
      20. He was a more palatable interlocutor for the West than Mr Putin had been.
      21. And meanwhile America, the traditional outside interlocutor, having haemorrhaged diplomatic credibility throughout the eight years of George Bush's presidency, has plenty of distractions at home.
      22. The principle of charity tells you that your interlocutor silliness is less likely than your bad interpretation.
      23. The Buddha's persistent reluctance to answer any of the four question put to him regarding the fate of the Tathagata after death caused puzzlement to his interlocutor.
      24. According to the Aristotle's viewpoint, the language feeling of argument was the appropriate reaction of the interlocutor to how the propositional truth condition was express by the language.
      25. The author, from the point of view of a PETS oral test interlocutor, observed and noted down the process and the problems of PETS oral test in her examination room.
      26. Some marked code-switching has intentional meanings, i. e., the code-switcher wants to exert influence and effect on the interlocutor by means of marked code-switching.
      27. In most cases an interlocutor will employ a tautological utterance to express his or her ideas or intentions in an indirect way so that tautology has such functions as conciseness, politeness and implicity and so on.
      28. In every language there is such a phenomenon as-to avoid words which may seem unhappy or indecent, or which may cause dissatisfaction, psychological panic of interlocutor and instead of use those words use more delicate expression.
      29. However, when giving refusal answer to offers and invitations the Chinese EFL learners tend to employ a little more direct refusal strategies than the native English speakers did, they do this so as to softening the face of the interlocutor.



      1. a person who takes part in a conversation

          Synonym:    conversational partner

        1. the performer in the middle of a minstrel line who engages the others in talk

            Synonym:    middleman