Over time she internalized her parents 'attitudes. 随着时间的流逝她认同了父母的看法并将之融为自我意识的一部分。
In a manner that is enjoyable to read and easy to internalize, Sandberg provides valuable insights on how a meritocracy can enhance its productivity and effectiveness. 桑德伯格以一种妙趣横生、易于吸收领会的方式,针对英才管理如何提高生产率与效率,提出了宝贵的见解。
But all the training in the world won't motivate you to witness for Christ until you internalize the eight convictions covered in the previous chapter. 但单靠这些训练并不能促使你去为神作见证,除非你的里面有前章所述的八个确信。
Over time, they can help designers internalize the requirements so that they follow them as a matter of course, without having to memorize them or follow them superstitiously. 随着时间的推移,它们可以帮助开发人员将需求内在化,以便照例依照它们,不需要记住它们或者迷信地遵循它们。
However, as an application architect, you need to begin to understand and internalize the value that governance brings. 不过,作为一名应用程序架构师,您必须理解治理的价值并适应它。
I believe that the really good process and methodology consultants are the ones who want to help you and your organization learn and internalize the knowledge they have and help you succeed with it. 我认为真正优秀的过程和方法学顾问是愿意帮助您的组织学习知识,并通过这些为您内部拥有的知识帮助您取得成功的人。
We listen to others put-downs, and internalize them. Its hard to remember our dreams. 我们听别人说那些贬低人的话,并让它们成为自己性格的一部分,我们很难想起自己的梦想。
Introverts prefer to control their emotions around others and internalize them. 内向的人更倾向于在人群中控制自己的情绪,闷在心里。
Confident entrepreneurs own their accomplishments. The cause of imposter syndrome is an inability to internalize success. 自信的创业者会成就感满满。出现骗子综合症的原因就是无法认同自己的成功。
O Convey values, ideas, and passion that listeners will internalize o传递价值、理念和热情,并使听者能内化于心
'By reinforcing this, kids will internalize the idea, and do it on their own.' 但实际上,通过这种强调方式,孩子会将这一想法内在化,然后自己来做。
People who internalize stress can end up with a variety of medical, psychological and behavioral problems. 将压力藏在心里的人会导致各种身体、心理及行为上的问题。
As a component of core competence of corporation, the author think enterprise should internalize customer value into corporation value. 作为核心竞争力的一部分,笔者认为,企业应把顾客价值内化于企业价值中去。
Therefore, on the premise of sticking to the bottom spirit, grass-roots writing should take some lessons from "left-wing literature", and internalize" the political bottom "into" the life bottom ". 所以,在坚持“底层精神”的前提下,“底层写作”应当汲取“左翼文学”的缺陷教训,将“政治的底层”内化为知识分子“生命的底层”。
The establishment and implementation of EPR regime can be a powerful means to internalize negative externality of the production of waste products. 生产者责任延伸制度的建立与实施将成为废弃产品的生产负外部性内部化的有力手段。
Resilient people seem to externalize blame and internalize success. 弹性人好像会外化谴责、内化成功。
Organizational learning, an approach to how organizations acquire, internalize, and utilize knowledge to improve their performance 组织内学习,组织如何获取、吸收、利用知识来提升绩效的方法学
Every developer needs to internalize the need to produce high quality code; code that does what it is designed to do. 每个开发人员要致力于产出高质量的代码;这些代码则要达到设计的预期。
A good department head must be able to internalize corporate goals. 一名好的部门领导应该能够内化企业目标。
Numbers are my friends, so the economic figures were something I could internalize. 数字是我的朋友,所以我可以将这些经济数据转化为自己的认识。
They're also a great way to help kids remember things or internalize concepts. 他们也是一个好方法,帮助孩子记住的东西或内在的概念。
Once we internalize this difficult insight, we begin to swim, ungrounded, in a multiplicity of possible worlds. 一旦我们拥有了这样有难度的洞察力,我们就开始游荡漂浮在充满多种可能的世界中。
You'll participate in employee reviews with your boss someday, so the ability to hear different types of feedback, internalize it, and adjust accordingly will matter to your job performance. 某一天你会和你的老板参与员工考评,那么你听取不同反馈、并进行相应调整的能力会影响你的工作表现。
As a result, many cross-dressers choose to hide this part of themselves and sometimes internalize a sense of shame and guilt. 结果,许多变装者宁愿把他们自己的这一心态和行为隐藏起来,有时,甚至内心悠然而生一种羞耻和内疚感。
The heaven gives us many gifts, lets us have the strength to be possible to help other people, when we are helps others, can the profound experience internalize joy! 上天送给我们很多礼物,让我们有力量可以帮助他人,当我们是着去帮助别人时,就能深刻的体验内化的快乐!
It is proved that present-day children easily internalize violent behavior through social learning. 事实证明现在的孩子由于受社会的影响很容易产生暴力行为。
He had not expected the people to internalize the values of equal rights so readily. 他没有料到人民这么快就接受了权力平等的价值观念。
I believe that when we are children, we already internalize this. 我相信当我们还是孩子的时候,我们已将此内在化。
Psychologists say that children, particularly those with a genetic predisposition to depression, may internalize and exaggerate the expectations of parents or peers or society. 心理学家称,儿童,尤其是那些有抑郁倾向遗传的儿童,可能会自己承担并夸大父母、同辈或社会对自己的期望。
The most direct way to prevent disclosure and thereby earn monopoly rent is for the firm to internalize its knowledge. 企业为防范信息外泄和获取垄断利润,一个最直接的方式就是将其特有知识内部化。