You also used traanslated strings to internationalize your news component. 您还使用经过翻译的字符串,让新闻组件国际化。
I also show you how to use reasonable defaults to internationalize the label for the field. 另外还展示了如何为国际化字段标签而使用合理的默认值。
You should be able to simply cut and paste the above code into your own code to internationalize your web pages. 您应该能够将上述代码直接剪切复制到您自己的代码中来实现您Web页面的国际化。
I also introduced you to reasonable defaults, which I used to internationalize the label for the field component. 另外还介绍了用于为字段组件国际化标签的合理默认值。
Most of your users will only need one or two cultures loaded on their page in order to completely internationalize the page. 大多数用户都只需要在其页面上加载一两个文化就能实现此页面的完全国际化。
But he said Hony now considers cross-border deals to be 'another major drive' of its strategy, as more large Chinese firms look to internationalize and more international brands seek to tap into China's growing consumer market. 但他说,弘毅投资现在认为,随着更多大型中资企业寻求国际化、更多国际品牌寻求进军中国不断增长的消费市场,跨境交易将成为其策略的另一个主要驱动力。
We do not only have to worry about finding the correct tags to internationalize, but since we also can have heavy nesting, the complexity can become overwhelming. 由于有太多的嵌套,复杂得已经难以让我们承受。因此发现正确的标记进行国际化不仅仅是我们必须担心的内容。
The last phase is to internationalize the gold market of our country. 第三阶段是我国黄金市场国际化阶段。
Already, the Chinese are moving to internationalize their currency through the development of offshore renminbi markets and by encouraging its use in trade. 通过发展离岸人民币市场并鼓励在贸易中使用人民币计价与结算,中国早已开启了人民币国际化的进程。
In order to internationalize the war, the United States asked its most important ally Britain to send troops to vietnam. 为了使这场战争国际化,美国强烈要求其最重要的盟友&英国向越南派兵。
The Bean Validation specification lets you externalize and internationalize the constraint error messages through a classic file system based ResourceBundle localization. Bean验证规范能让你通过基于ResourceBundle本地化的标准文件系统来外部化和国际化约束错误消息。
Some companies in Hong Kong, Macau and Southeast Asia can now do business in China's currency, in the latest move to internationalize the yuan. 在香港、澳门东南亚的公司现在允许用中国货币结算,这是币国际化的新动向。
In Europe we work for American, Turkish, French, German, Swiss and many other clients to internationalize their business. 在欧洲,我们协助美国、土耳其、法国、德国、瑞士以及许多其他国家的公司进行国际化发展。
There are pressures to internationalize the curriculum but there are also other changes, less directly associated with globalization, ranging from funding reductions to the importation of global business culture. 课程国际化有压力,但也有其它的变化,减少直接与全球化的联系,包括资金减少和全球商业文化的输入。
How do the reasons that a specific organization chooses affect the ways in which it decides to internationalize? 并分析一下组织选择的原因如何影响其国际化的方式?
We are a university that seeks to internationalize, that very much wants to attract the very best and the most talented students from China and around the world. 我们是一所力求国际化的大学,我们很想吸收来自中国乃至世界各国的最优秀最有才华的人才。
Doing so we will be able to internationalize and modernize this Nosu traditional culture and it bring good ends to Nosu territory's cultural tourism. 这样就能使这一宝贵的彝族文化走向世界和走向现代化,并将为彝族地区带来很好的民族文化旅游效益。
As more and more companies attempt to accommodate their customers needs and internationalize their offerings, the challenges of managing the technology and resources are emerging. 随着越来越多的公司试图满足客户需要和国际化其产品和服务,出现了管理技术和资源的难题。
The modernization of higher education is a process to internationalize higher education and to expand and deepen international cooperation and exchange. 高等教育的现代化是高等教育不断走向国际化,扩大和加深国际合作与交流的过程。
These standards represent the common set of symbols and locales software vendors use to internationalize their solutions. 这些标准表示的是一系列通用的符号和区域设定,软件厂商可以使用它们来对解决方案进行国际化处理。
Moreover, area integrate frame organization of economic relations make and internationalize and develop WTO. 再者,WTO框架内区域一体化经济组织也使国际化发展成为企业克服贸易转移效益的重要手段。
With the development of athletics to internationalize increasingly, the market and occupation turns, the development has brought unprecedented opportunity and challenge to the athletics business enterprise of our country. 随着体育运动日益国际化、市场化、职业化,给我国的体育企业的发展带来了前所未有的机遇与挑战。
This solution has been applied to internationalize a J2EE based travel e-business system successfully. 该方案已应用于一个基于J2EE的旅游电子商务系统,成功地开发了系统的多语言版本,很好地解决了系统的国际化问题。
In the present, the global economic activities more internationalize. 今天的世界已成为地球村,全球的经济活动变得更加国际化。
Make Shanghai necessary development higher education internationalize, too necessary to make deep research and discussion to Shanghai countermeasure, higher education of internationalization. 使得上海有必要发展高等教育的国际化,也有必要对上海高等教育国际化的对策作深入的研究和探讨。
Accelerating the martial arts industry turns the development is a valid path that martial arts further internationalize the development. 加速武术产业化发展是武术进一步向国际化方向发展的有效途径。
Internationalize is a proper choice of China higher education in 21 century. 国际化已成为中国高等教育21世纪必须作出的战略选择。
Natural gas demand is confederating all countries with its trading power to internationalize. 天然气国际化的需求统合了所有的贸易国。
Many emerging economies actively introduce the overseas institutional investors to internationalize their domestic equity markets. 许多新兴国家通过积极引进外国机构投资者促进本国证券市场的国际化。
Firstly, researchers in the field of international business and economics mostly explore the relationship between whether or not firms internationalize and innovation. 首先,国际商务和经济学领域学者大多只是简单分析了是否国际化对企业创新绩效的影响。