They have been trying to internationalise the Kashmir problem. 他们一直想使克什米尔问题国际化。
John Leech, a partner with KPMG and author of the report on the UK motor supply chain, says component makers have to internationalise to survice. 毕马威合伙人、上述有关英国汽车供应链的报告的作者约翰李奇(JohnLeech)表示,零部件制造商必须走向国际才能生存下去。
I believe there is always room for collaboration between these centres so we can fully internationalise the currency. 我相信,这些中心始终有协作的空间,因此我们完全可以让人民币国际化。
Many of these businesses have very little chance of surviving in Europe so they internationalise and Angola is the obvious place. 其中许多公司在欧洲生存的希望极其渺茫,所以选择走出国门,而安哥拉无疑是理想之地。
The Russians invaded Georgia in a fever of war enthusiasm; have refused to pull out and rejected attempts to internationalise the dispute; 俄罗斯入侵格鲁吉亚时带着兴奋的战争狂热,拒绝撤出该地区的同时也拒绝使之国际化;
Hanoi has responded by seeking to internationalise the territorial dispute, calling on other claimants to some of the contested Paracel and Spratly Islands – Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Taiwan – to hold joint talks and attempting to bring in the US as a mediator. 针对这种局面,越南寻求将领土争端国际化,呼吁其他主张对有争议的西沙和南沙群岛拥有部分主权的方面文莱、马来西亚、菲律宾和台湾举行联合谈判,并试图请出美国当调停人。
On the face of it, the drive to internationalise the renminbi does not seem to derive from controlling urges. 从表面上看,中国推动人民币国际化的努力似乎并不是源自对管制的渴望。
Back in the 1980s, the Japanese government made it a stated policy to internationalise the yen, and many observers expected the currency to challenge the dollar as a reserve currency. 上世纪80年代,日本政府宣布了日元国际化的既定政策,许多观察家预计日元将挑战美元作为国际储备货币的地位。
Chinese policy makers are eager to internationalise the renminbi but they also want to make sure that process is under control, says Gene Kim, head of global markets for northeast Asia at Standard Chartered bank. 中国内地决策者迫切希望推动人民币国际化,但他们也想确保这个过程处于自己的掌控之中。渣打银行(StandardChartered)东北亚全球市场主管GeneKim表示,监管规定正不时发生变化。
China is ready to internationalise the renminbi. 中国已做好人民币国际化的准备。
In most cases, a well-organised supply base, stable industrial relations and close links to a national government significantly reduce a company's propensity to internationalise. 大多数情况下,完善的供应基地,稳定的劳资关系以及与国家政府的紧密联系能在很大程度上降低一个公司寻求国际化的倾向。
The IFC has been active in helping China to internationalise its currency. ifc在帮助中国推动人民币国际化方面一直十分活跃。
The domestic economy may have faltered since that date but the push to internationalise will continue and may even accelerate as Chinese firms use their accumulated foreign exchange earnings to make acquisitions, at bargain prices, in devalued world markets. 自那以后,中国国内经济发展可能已经步履蹒跚,但随着中国企业利用其外汇利润在贬值的世界市场上进行廉价收购,中国的国际化进程将会继续,甚至可能加速。
As for the potential of the Chinese currency to challenge the reserve role of the dollar, it may exist in the very long run but, in the absence of developed financial markets and a much stronger commitment to internationalise the renminbi, it remains pretty remote. 至于人民币挑战美元的储备货币地位,这种情况也许会在很久以后出现,但在中国不具备发达金融市场,在人民币国际化方面也拿不出更有力承诺的情况下,这种可能性仍相当遥远。
Beijing has been making moves to internationalise slowly the renminbi and is using Hong Kong as a testing ground for companies and investors to hold and trade renminbi products. 中国一直在缓慢推动人民币国际化,并把香港当作试验基地,测试企业和投资者持有和交易人民币产品的情况。
Indeed, its vigorous programmes to internationalise the renminbi, boost the size of its domestic futures markets and expand the Shanghai Stock Exchange are animated more by a desire to project power than to integrate China with the global financial system. 实际上,中国多项雄心勃勃的计划,包括人民币国际化、提升国内期货市场规模和扩大上海证券交易所,在更大程度上是为了投射实力,而不是让中国融入全球金融体系。
He adds: "as they internationalise, some companies will also face trade agreements, while others will have to address the issue of going global whilst at the same time not losing their cultural heart." 他补充道:“随着它们的国际化,有些公司还会面临贸易协定问题,而另一些将不得不解决如何在不丧失文化根基的情况下走向世界的问题。”
China has kick-started a major plan to internationalise the renminbi and the process is likely to be faster than many expect, according to HSBC. 汇丰银行(hsbc)表示,中国已启动一项人民币国际化的重大计划,进程可能快于许多人的预期。
The move is a step towards making the Chinese currency more widely available to investors at a time when China is trying to internationalise the role of the renminbi. 在中国努力推进人民币的国际化进程之际,此举朝着提高人民币在投资者中的流通性又迈进了一步。
Putting a Westerner in charge, the firm reckoned, would send a bold message to staff and customers alike of its determination to internationalise. 让西方人负责经营,该公司估计此举将向员工和客户发出大胆的信息,展示其国际化的决心。
Still, Hong Kong is well on its way to becoming a de facto dual currency centre as China continues to take steps to internationalise the renminbi. 不过,随着中国不断采取措施推动人民币国际化,香港极有可能成为实际上的双货币中心。
China has sought to broaden investment channels for renminbi holders as part of its efforts to internationalise its currency. 中国已寻求为人民币持有者拓宽投资渠道,作为人民币国际化努力的一部分。
European and US companies are continually looking to enter Asia. And now some Asian companies are looking increasingly to internationalise their businesses and move offshore. 欧洲和美国公司继续寻求进军亚洲市场,而现在一些亚洲公司也越来越希望实现业务国际化并向海外转移。
This group should offer China the incentive to join the forum and eventually the SDR after it takes steps to internationalise the renminbi and moves towards an open capital account. 这些国家应鼓励中国加入论坛,并在采取措施将人民币国际化和逐步开放资本账户后,最终加入SDR。
But while a growing number of Chinese corporate leaders are recognising the need to internationalise their business, most still take a cautious attitude towards potential cross-border mergers. 然而,虽然越来越多的中国企业领导承认将其业务国际化的必要性,但对于潜在的跨境并购,大多数人仍持谨慎态度。
Beijing is trying to push money offshore, investing in commodities and overseas companies, and gradually trying to internationalise the renminbi by allowing it to be used for some regional trade transactions. 北京正试图把资金推向海外,投资于大宗商品和海外企业,并允许一部分区域性贸易采用人民币结算,从而逐渐试图让人民币国际化。
What makes these bond issues important is that the offshore renminbi market is much more than just a new avenue for debt financing – it is one of the core components in a plan to internationalise the Chinese currency. 这些债券发行之所以重要,是因为离岸人民币市场远不只是债券融资的一种新渠道&它还是人民币国际化进程的核心环节之一。