He had developed a fearsome reputation for intimidating people. 他曾因恐吓他人而令人闻风丧胆。
She admits that her height is intimidating for some men. 她承认自己的高个头会令有些男人却步。
He was a huge, intimidating figure. 他是个身材高大、令人生畏的人。
Also remove what could be considered intimidating facts and details. 还要去掉那些可能有点吓人的事实和细节。
The meeting was, to be honest, somewhat intimidating. 诚实地讲,会议有点胁迫的感觉。
This offers great performance, but it can be somewhat intimidating to write a visitor class to get valid, useful results. 这提供了很好的性能,但是它也可能会对编写一个访问者类以获得有效地和有用的结果造成威胁。
Although the text-mode tools just described get the job done, they can be intimidating. 尽管之前介绍的文本模式工具可以完成这项工作,但是它们是令人生畏的。
This looks intimidating, but it's really not bad at all. 这看起来有点令人望而生畏,但确实一点都不难。
It is a dignified choice that announces your presence, but can be intimidating if overused. 选择它作为自己的代表色,威严又不失品位,但是如果运用过度,则可能让人生畏。
It could be exhilarating, intimidating, sometimes even discouraging, but always challenging. 哈佛的生活令人振奋,也令人生畏,有时甚至会让人感到泄气,但永远充满了挑战性。
Right now, there is little sign those investors are being "intimidating". 目前几乎没有迹象表明,这些投资者的言行产生了“威吓”效果。
It was very violent and intimidating, because I'm not really a nasty guy, although I'm quite big but I'm a gentle giant. 那是非常暴力和恐怖的经历,但是事实上我并不是一个真正的坏人,尽管我是一个大块头,但是我骨子里是一个性格温和的人。
I think that no matter how kind intimidating people is chilling. 我想这不管是怎么样都挺让人心寒的。
We certainly weren't friends with our teachers-we found them very intimidating. 我们当然和老师不是朋友,我们觉得他们太让人害怕了。
This noisy, smokey and lethal weapon is so intimidating it causes morale damage as well as physical hurt. 开枪的巨响、烟雾和致命的杀伤力,能对敌人士气和肉体造成双重打击。
It can be clever and flirtatious, or sexist and intimidating. 它可能是机巧的、轻浮的,也可能是大男子主义的、恐吓的。
He can be quite intimidating when he wants to be. 他可以很吓人当他想要做的时候。
If you resign the rest of the board will have won by intimidating you. Curb your ego 如果你辞职,董事会里剩下的那些人对你的胁迫就得逞了。克制自我意识
She is also very beautiful, although not in a way that men find intimidating or women find off-putting; 她也十分漂亮,她的那种漂亮不会使男人觉得咄咄逼人,或是使女人觉得倒胃口;
Without her intimidating actions and wacky expressions, life will be dull and meaningless. 没有了她那些小动作和搞怪表情,生活就会变得很黑白,没意义。
Some women might find this intimidating. 有些女人会觉得这是一种威胁。
They kidnapping these lovers or ex lovers, and intimidating them with all kinds of threats. 他们绑架自己的爱人或者前爱人,用各种手段恐吓她们。
The company will not accept anyone who has a conviction for intimidating witnesses or information technology fraud. 该公司不会接受那些犯有胁迫证人罪或信息科技欺诈罪的犯人。
Investing your money can be intimidating if you do not understand what you are doing. 如果你不懂自己在做什么,投资就可能成为危险的事情。
She can be very intimidating when she's angry. 她发怒时可能是非常吓人的。
If you are interested in learning Chinese, it can be intimidating and challenging. 如果你对学汉语感兴趣,那么它将是充满压力和挑战的。
Sometimes he just walks by as if you're not even there and it can be quite intimidating. 有时候他会当你是空气一样的从你身边走过去,很吓人。
Listen, I know this place can be really intimidating. 听着,我知道在这个位置上会有紧迫感。
All this extra work is rather intimidating. 所有这些额外的工作相当吓人。