
英 [ɪnˈtəʊnd] 美 [ɪnˈtoʊnd]

v.  缓慢庄重地说


  1. VERB 缓慢庄重地说;(以单一的音调)吟咏,吟诵
    If you intone something, you say it in a slow and serious way, with most of the words at one pitch.
    1. He quietly intoned several prayers...
    2. 'But Jesus is here!' the priest intoned.


  1. 'Mom,' she intoned, elongating the word
  2. Uncle Richard intoned a chapter from the Bible and improvised a prayer
  3. He quietly intoned several prayers
  4. 'But Jesus is here!' the priest intoned.
  5. Among people covering the large slope, either reclining, sitting, or squatting on the grass in twos and threes, I intoned lines by Jacques Prevert the French poet.
  6. The dogs intoned to the strangers.
  7. Narrative, Text, Memory and History; Historical and Cultural Causes for the Emergence of the Intoned Poetry in History Discussing Style During the Middle and Late Period of Tang Dynasty
  8. "Virgin most faithful," her mother intoned. a man constant in adherence to his ideals; a constant lover; constant as the northern star.
  9. "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen", the narrator intoned.
  10. Fiscal retrenchment, they intoned, would not alone repair the public finances of eurozone countries.
  11. They stood and intoned their afternoon prayers.
  12. The mathematician gazed heavenward in supplication, and then intoned," in Scotland there exists at least one field, containing at least one sheep, at least one side of which is black. "
  13. It was 1962 in England, he intoned, but still 1943 in Japan, such was the difference in teeth between these two great religions.
  14. "Let up pray," the priest intoned to his congregation.
  15. This announcement is usually intoned solemnly, as if information did not exist in other ages.
  16. The funeral was interrupted by a burst of gunfire as the priest intoned the liturgy for the latest victim of the fighting.
  17. "THE tiger is under grave threat," India's finance minister, Palaniappan Chidambaram, intoned at one point in his budget speech on February29th.
  18. The computerised female voice intoned an unfamiliar London number.
  19. Out in the yard a woman's hoarse contralto intoned a hymn.
  20. In the last period of the Qing Dynasty, Gong Zizhen intoned the shatters to criticize the mainstream society with the indignant attitude.
  21. Two Cultured Odes Intoned for Long-Explaining Traditional Culture Meaning of Two Old School Songs of Xinmin Normal College of Shenyang University
  22. The current junior high school, some problems in teaching ancient Chinese poems, which is mainly embodied: heavy language teach, ignore intoned dyslexic; Heavy rational analysis to ignore cultural aesthetic; By rote, natural; Heavy textbook learning, ignore practice activity.
  23. Undoubtedly, any music work which is strictly written in accordance with the sequence of music must be intoned, however Alban Berg often broke the bondage of tonality in sequence in composing techniques, skills, making certain harmony mixed with the tonal music sounds lasting appeal.



  1. uttered in a monotonous cadence or rhythm as in chanting
    1. their chantlike intoned prayers
    2. a singsong manner of speaking

    Synonym:    chantlikesingsong