He sat through the trial as a standby juror. 他作为候补陪审员参加了审判的全过程。
She did it so quickly that the poor little juror ( it was Bill, the Lizard) could not make out at all what had become of it; 她干得很利索,那个可怜的小陪审员(它就是壁虎比尔)根本不知道发生了什么事。
As a juror I encourage individual and unique design, design that sensitively combines cultural concerns, considered material use, and the formal aesthetics of a developed personal point of view. 作为评委,我提倡个人和独立风格的设计。设计应敏锐地结合自己对文化的关注,对天然材料的使用,以及个人发展出的美学观感。
The judge ordered a new trial then one of the juror is found to be the accused's brother. 当发现陪审团中的一个陪审员是被告的兄弟后,法官命令重新审理。
Authorized committee sets teaching material of countrywide middle and primary school to learn juror of division teaching material to meet each. 全国中小学教材审定委员会下设各学科教材审查委员会。
With curiosity, anticipation and excitement, I was luckily honored to be a juror and won the right to be a "peeping Tom" to peep at many of today's contemporary residential spaces. 带著一份夹杂著好奇、期待、兴奋、刺激的心情,得以假评审之名行窥伺当代不同的住居空间之实。
As you can see juror number nine has been replaced by an alternate. 很明显第9号陪审员需要替补换下。
Juror number six is born again. 六号陪审员重新出现。
Your juror is being treated for congestive heart failure. 陪审员之前再接受充血性心力衰竭的治疗。
A juror selected as a substitute in case another juror must leave the jury panel. 陪审团成员之一必须离场时,挑选一人以代替该名陪审员进行听审。
Mikhalkov's film takes two and a half hours and lets every juror spill his life story. 区别在哪里?米哈尔科夫的影片长两个半小时,让每个陪审员都讲述了自己的人生故事。
This film won the Palmed'Or at Cannes no critics on that juror. 这部影片赢得了戛纳金棕榈奖,那个评审组里没有评论家。
Keep your eye on juror number three. 注意下3号陪审员。
"Some of the evidence is rather drawn out and I find it difficult to maintain my attention the whole time," the juror was quoted saying by the Australian Associated Press. 一位陪审员说这个游戏通过让思维忙碌从而帮助他们集中注意力。“一些证据相当长,我发现很难一直保持注意力集中”澳大利亚联合通讯社援引这位陪审员的话说。
When Shultz paid the juror, he asked him if it had been hard to persuade the other jurors to get the charge of manslaughter. 舒尔茨掏钱给那名陪审员时,问他说服其他陪审员做出过失杀人裁定是否很艰难。
Today, Xiao Liu attends a court trial as a juror for the first time. 今天小刘第一次以陪审员的身份出席庭审现场。
If it appears that the juror will be unable to be fair, he or she may be challenged for cause. 如果陪审员显然不能保证公正,那么他或她就可能因法律规定的原因被申请回避。
In Maryland, every prospective juror is asked what his or her religion is, even though this information is not used in the jury selection process. 在马里兰州,所有陪审团成员候选人都被问及宗教信仰,尽管这一信息在陪审团选取过程中并无用处。
His remarks were intended to be completely nonracial; a nonracial reason for the peremptory challenge of the juror. The panels are assisted in their work by an independent network of international academic referees who provide impartial and expert advice. 他有意使自己的评论完全没有种族色彩;陪审员对种族偏见断然驳斥。学科小组会邀请世界各地的学术专家协助评审工作,由这些专家提供公正客观的专业意见。
Judge or juror who favour one of the parties in a case. 法官或陪审员偏袒诉讼案当事人中的一方。
Why do we have only one alternate juror? 为什么只一名候补陪审员?
A public official who hears and decides cases brought before a court of law. A juror selected as a substitute in case another juror must leave the jury panel. 法官,审判员在法庭上听审并审判案子的政府官员陪审团成员之一必须离场时,挑选一人以代替该名陪审员进行听审。
Juror No.4 turns away sits silently in a chair. 四号陪审员转过身去,静静地坐在椅子里。
Us group of juror ( between twelve and twenty-four) who assemble as a preliminary to a trial to decide if an indictment shall be issued to start criminal proceeding. 集合12-24人的陪审团作为审理的开端,决定是否用签发起诉书进行刑事诉讼的陪审员集团。
The history of the jury system express that the ability of the juror is required to judge the fact. 陪审制度从它产生的那一刻起,对于陪审员的素质要求就限于案件事实认定所需要的各种能力。
To perfect jury system is not only to the draw up the system, but also to overcome the unhealthy psychology of juror and professional judge in the process of trial. 完善陪审制度不能仅着眼于制度设计,还应当重视对陪审员和职业法官在审判活动中的不良心理的克服。
The juror's ability is not equal to the judge in the law. 因为随着法律的不断发达,陪审员在法律适用方面的能力是无法和专业法官相比的。
That select procedure is due or not is a key problem of Juror System. 陪审员的选任程序是否具有正当性是陪审制度的核心问题。
The psychological exercises of juror and the professional judge in the process of trial have important influences on the judicial results. 陪审员和职业法官在审判过程中的心理活动,对陪审的结果有重要的影响。