For more than four years, American and Kenyan scientists have studied diseases carried by ticks. 四年多来,美国和肯尼亚的科学家们研究由蜱携带的疾病。
They taught music, performed and donated instruments to a Kenyan community center. 他们在肯尼亚的一个社区中心教音乐,演出并捐赠了乐器。
They also learned about traditional Kenyan music. 他们还学习了传统的肯尼亚音乐。
I am a Christian, but my father came from a Kenyan family that includes generations of Muslims. 我是基督教徒。我父亲来自肯尼亚一个数代穆斯林家庭。
In late October, Kenyan police killed Faraj, accusing him of planning a terrorist attack. 在10月下旬,肯尼亚警察杀死了法拉吉,指控他策划恐怖袭击。
You are a black-white mix-blood Kenyan African American; 你是一位非洲肯尼亚裔的美国黑白混血儿;
Judges at the court ruled against the Kenyan government's request to declare the case inadmissible. 国际刑事法庭法官驳回了肯尼亚政府要求宣布不许可该案件的请求。
SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Margaret Okoth's area at the market was destroyed in violence after the Kenyan election. 雪丽·葛里菲兹:玛格丽特·奥科在市场上的那个铺位被肯尼亚竞选之后的暴力事件给毁掉了。
We'd like to study any possible scheme further with the Kenyan government and the Sudanese government. 我们希望与肯尼亚政府以及苏丹政府进一步研究所有可能方案。
Kenyan IP officers have been trained in the madrid, nice, Hague and Vienna systems. 对肯尼亚知识产权官员,进行了马德里、尼斯、海牙和维也纳系统的培训。
The Kenyan media Council has shown the way by refusing to air inflammatory government radio advertisements. 肯尼亚媒体委员会已经表明了自己的方式拒绝播放煽动性的空中广告。
He spoke of being a Christian whose father came from a Kenyan family with generations of Muslims. 他谈到,作为一个父辈来自肯尼亚的基督教徒,与同时代穆斯林在一起。
The Kenyan government was supposed to open a new camp, but has not done so. 肯尼亚政府本应开设一个新的难民营,但是到现在还没有做到。
Mister Obama's father was Kenyan and he has family members who live in that country. 奥巴马的爸爸是肯尼亚人,他有家人生活在肯尼亚。
Kenyan minister of agriculture William Ruto also chides his government's financial priorities. 肯尼亚农业部部长WilliamRuto指责政府的经济侧重点。
Police in Tanzania have arrested a Kenyan who was attempting to sell an albino man. 坦桑尼亚警方逮捕了一名试图兜售白化病男子的肯尼亚人。
Two WHO staff work full-time on supporting the Kenyan Government's malaria control programme. 两名世卫组织职员全时致力于支持肯尼亚政府的疟疾控制规划。
Kenyan police used teargas and water cannons against several hundred anti-government protesters in Nairobi, Kenya. 肯尼亚警方用催泪弹和高压水枪来对付奈洛比地区的反政府分子。
Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga arrived in the main city of Abidjan Monday. 肯尼亚总理奥廷加星期一抵达了科特迪瓦的主要城市阿比让。
The Kenyan government provides the land on which these aid efforts take place. 肯尼亚政府提供土地让这些援助工作得以进行。
His company is working with the Kenyan government and a children's rights group. 他的公司正在和肯尼亚政府以及儿童权利保护组织合作。
Recently the Kenyan government too has announced that it will roll out a stimulus package. 最近,肯尼亚政府也宣布,他将推出一个刺激经济发展的方案。
Kenyan universities are developing Chinese language programmes and ministry of information officials attend exchange schemes. 肯尼亚的大学正在开设汉语课程,信息部官员也在参加交流项目。
He won 63% of the vote in the Kenyan presidential election last Friday. 在上星期五举行的总统选举中,他获得了63%的选票。
The Kenyan cabinet's resolutions tell you much about the extent of this crisis. 从肯尼亚内阁的决心可以看出这场危机的程度。
Kenyan security forces supported by helicopters evacuated hostages, according to the ministry of interior. 肯尼亚内政部称,安全部队在直升机支援下疏散了人质。
Somali militants have also been blamed for kidnapping two other westerners and killing another in the past two months in the Kenyan resort town of Lamu. 过去的两个月里,索马里激进份子还被指责在肯尼亚度假城镇拉穆绑架了两名西方人,并杀害了另外一名西方人。
Kenyan forces in the south are said to be making slow progress, though their campaign, now more than a month long, has been hampered by bad weather and logistical challenges. 据说,南部的肯尼亚部队虽然受到恶劣天气和后勤困难的阻碍,进行了一个多月的行动现在取得了缓慢的进展。
Kenyan police have vowed to increase enforcement at the border with Somalia in response to the attacks in Lamu. 作为对拉穆袭击事件的回应,肯尼亚警方誓言将增加在与索马里交界地带的执法力量。