We have entered the age of "peep culture": a tell-all, show-all, know-all digital phenomenon that is dramatically altering notions of privacy, individuality, security, and even humanity. 我们已经进入了“偷窥文化”时代:这是一个倾诉所有、表现所有、知道所有的数码现象,它戏剧化地改变了人们对私隐、个人、安全、甚至是人性的普遍认识。
He's just a smart-aleck know-all who thinks he's got all the answers. 他只是一个妄自尊大的万事通,以为自己知道所有的答案。
So the nobleman had his carriage hitched up, rode out to the village, and asked him if he were Doctor Know-All. 于是大财主套上马车,驱车奔向那个村庄,问螃蟹是不是万事通大夫。
He's such a loudmouth and know-all. 他是个高谈阔论而又自认无所不知的人。
Arrogance and the know-all attitudes among some police offices will only further alienate public co-operation with the police. 部分警员傲慢和自以为是的态度,只会疏远人民和警方和合作。
The author of this article attempts to illustrate the role of pragmatic principles in the interpretation of literary works through analysis of S Somerset Maugham's short story "Mr. Know-All". 本文试图通过分析英国作家毛姆的短篇小说《万事通先生》(Mr.Know-all)来说明语用原则对文学作品理解的作用。
How to interpret the structures, content and writing skills in other stream-of-consciousness fictions through the example discussed? The most common writing techniques in stream-of-consciousness fictions are direct and indirect interior monologue, dramatic monologue, and know-all description. 怎样通过范例,来理解更多意识流作品的内容结构及写作特点?在意识流作品中,最常见的写作技巧是是直接的和间接的内心独白,戏剧性独白和无所不知的描写。