He was a tall, lanky man with iron-grey hair. 他是个瘦高个子,一头铁灰色头发。
He was six feet four, all lanky and leggy. 他身高6英尺4英寸,瘦高个儿,大长腿。
To my dismay, my choice didn't correspond with my daughter 's.My son-In-law was the tall, lanky one with spiked hair and a small goatee. 让我不安的是,我的选择与我女儿的并不一致。我的女婿高高的瘦瘦的个子,头发粗短成刺状,留小山羊胡子。
"I'm sorry for letting everybody down," said the slender and lanky teenager, who has an English mother and a Chinese father. 他还说:“让大家失望,我很抱歉。”这位少年身材瘦长,母亲是位英国人,父亲是中国人。
Back in 2002 Yao was a shy, lanky 22 year old. 2002年时他还是一个害羞、瘦长的22岁年轻人。
The lanky animals long, but awkward legs traveled across the desert in half the time it took most other desert animals. 这种瘦长动物的腿很长也很笨拙,但穿越沙漠的时间却比大部分其他沙漠动物还要快上一倍。
My brother is really tall and lanky. 我弟弟长得很高,人又很瘦。
Named after the Hindu monkey god Hanuman, these lanky, long-tailed monkeys are found in the humid forests, swamps, and even urban areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar ( Burma). 这些体瘦尾长的猴子的名字源于印度教中的猴神哈奴曼,分布在潮湿的森林和沼泽中,甚至在印度,巴基斯坦,孟加拉,斯里兰卡和缅甸等国的城市地区也能发现。
My son-in-law was the tall, lanky one with spiked hair and a small goatee. 我的女婿高高的瘦瘦的个子,头发粗短成刺状,留小山羊胡子。
Lanky Lawrence lost his lass and lobster. 兰基。劳伦斯失去了他的情妇和龙虾。
But cool, lanky Gasol walked in and everyone wrapped their arms around his pale shoulders. 但是这个瘦瘦高高的加索尔来了,所有的人都张开双臂,拥紧他柔弱的肩膀。
The lanky form was that of Physician Vilbert, who had been called in by Arabella. 原来这个瘦高个儿是韦伯大夫,阿拉贝拉把他请来的。
I stopped at the straw hat stand and chatted with a lanky boy as he was setting out the hats. 我在一个草帽摊旁停了下来。摊主是一位身形瘦长的小伙子,他在摆放草帽时,我与他聊了起来。
Dave still works out, but he has actually become fond of his tall, lanky frame. 戴维还在坚持运动,只不过他真的喜欢上了自己瘦长的体形。
She looked curiously at this lanky man with his bony stooped shoulders, his pinkish hair and calm unwavering eyes. 她满怀好奇地瞧着这个消瘦的青年人,他那皮包骨的肩膀耷拉着,头发淡红,眼神平静而坚定。
He sports a lanky physique, and unkempt red hair terminating in a long ponytail. 一个身材瘦长的形体,他红头发蓬乱,终止于长马尾辫。
One lanky youth swung out and could not stay chinned. 有一个瘦高个的年轻人,他荡出去后却未能把下巴贴着横木。
She is a lanky and unattractive girl. 她是一个瘦长的不吸引人的女孩儿。
If you threw things at him, he would cur his lanky body around feet in forgiveness. 如果你拿东西砸它,它就会把瘦长的身子蜷缩起来以求宽恕;
A lanky scarecrow of a man with withered face and lantern jaws 一个面容憔悴下巴突出、又瘦又长、很像稻草人的男子
He is tall and lanky. 他高高瘦瘦的。
Born in 1933, Phelps is tall and lanky with a big smile. 菲尔普斯生于1933年,又高又瘦,笑得很灿烂。
Their long, lanky limbs stood in sharp contrast to my own, genetically-predisposed skinny and short ones. 他们那又细又长的腿站在那里和我那双遗传的又短又小的腿形成了鲜明的对比。
The last was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-colored hair. 最后一个男孩身材瘦长,更纤细些,有着慵懒凌乱的红发。
Will is tall and quiet lanky. 威尔是高高的,安静的,瘦瘦的。
Each time, I turned into a lanky lighthouse, my red face beaming for all to see. 每一次当我面向聚光灯的时候,所有人都看得见我通红的脸。
As his tall, lanky frame heads for the exit, he cuts an almost heroic figure: a super-wealthy Don Quixote, fighting to make his eccentric voice heard in an increasingly hostile business and political world. 当他抬起瘦长的身躯向门口走去时,他的身影就像是一位英雄:一位超级富有的堂吉柯德(DonQuixote),努力使自己另类的声音被日益充满敌意的商界和政界所听到。
A gangling teenager; a lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man. 瘦长难看的少年;这个瘦长难看的孩子几乎在一夜中变成了一个英俊的少年。
The first recognised'breed'probably resembled a swift, lanky greyhound, developed for its speed in hunting. 首先被认可的“品种”可能跑的很快,过分瘦长的灵狮,在寻找食物时锻炼了它们的速度。
He was a lithe and well-made youth, with a lanky build and a shock of dark blue hair. 那是个相貌英俊行动敏捷的年轻人,体格纤长顶着一丛深蓝色头发。