洗(钱) to move money that has been obtained illegally into foreign bank accounts or legal businesses so that it is difficult for people to know where the money came from
VERB 洗熨(衣物) When you launder clothes, sheets, and towels, you wash and iron them.
How many guests who expect clean towels every day in an hotel launder their own every day at home?... 希望在酒店里天天有干净毛巾用的客人,有多少会在家里每天洗烫自己的毛巾呢?
She wore a freshly laundered and starched white shirt. 她穿一件刚刚浆洗熨烫过的白色衬衣。
VERB 洗(钱) To launder money that has been obtained illegally means to process it through a legitimate business or to send it abroad to a foreign bank, so that when it comes back nobody knows that it was illegally obtained.
The House voted today to crack down on banks that launder drug money. 众议院今天表决打击为毒资洗钱的银行。
How many guests who expect clean towels every day in an hotel launder their own every day at home? 希望在酒店里天天有干净毛巾用的客人,有多少会在家里每天洗烫自己的毛巾呢?
She wore a freshly laundered and starched white shirt. 她穿一件刚刚浆洗熨烫过的白色衬衣。
The House voted today to crack down on banks that launder drug money. 众议院今天表决打击为毒资洗钱的银行。
Daughters were taught early to cook, sew, knit, launder and care for younger children, often serving as little mothers to their siblings. 那时,女孩子们很小就开始学习做饭,缝纫,编织,清洗和照顾更小的孩子,经常象个小母亲一样照看她们的弟妹。
The transformation of fortunes is not confined to the food sector; a remarkable phenomenon in UK high street retailing is the rise of Primark, which sells clothes for less than a hotel charges to launder them. 发生境遇转变的不仅是食品业;Primark的崛起在英国商业街零售业中创造了一个不同寻常的奇迹,这家店以低于酒店洗衣费的价格售卖服装。
According to the International Fund for Animal Welfare, a wildlife group, smugglers can easily launder illegal ivory through that market. 据国际爱护动物基金会(InternationalFundforAnimalWelfare)表示,走私贩很容易就可通过这个市场将非法象牙洗白。
If you use cloth towels at home, launder them regularly. 如果你在家的时候使用毛巾,请记得定期洗涤。
How you guys launder all the money you're making from the drug deals. 你们这些家伙如何洗从毒品交易中赚来的黑钱。
When you do pick up used clothing for baby, launder it as soon as you get it home. 当您这样做拿起旧衣服的婴儿,清洗,它一旦你得到它的家。
The gang launder the steal money through their chain of restaurant 这帮匪徒通过他们的连锁饭店洗赃款
So I just guess the white powder should be the launder powder or other alkalescent chemical. 所以,估计香蕉皮上的白色粉是洗衣粉,或类似的碱性物质。
Used it to launder luthercorp money. 用这个来洗清卢瑟公司的黑钱。
Meanwhile, you launder your money through here. 同时这里还能帮你洗钱。
But there are increasing concerns that Hong Kong property could become an attractive vehicle for mainland Chinese to launder money. 但越来越多的人担心香港的地产会成为大陆人一项诱人的洗钱工具。
I really need to launder my sofa throw. 我是该洗洗我的沙发套了。
Earlier this year, the state-owned bank of China froze North Korean assets in its Macau Branch in response to an American initiative to clamp down on North korea's use of foreign bank accounts to launder illicit money. 今年稍早,中国响应美国提出的取缔朝鲜利用外国帐户非法洗钱的倡仪,国有的中国银行冻结了朝鲜在澳门分行的资产。
This article makes the thorough discussion to the current situation and the existence question and the guard strategy of launder money risk for the anti-launder money work of our country. 本文对当前我国反洗钱工作面临形势和存在问题及洗钱风险防范策略作深入探讨。
The use of institutional electronic money transfers to launder money on a global scale is already out of anyone's control. 机构的电子货币使用已经失控,演变成全球范围内的洗钱活动。
Elsewhere, the US Treasury has identified complex schemes to launder the proceeds of the narcotics trade in Europe, Africa and Asia. 在其它地方,美国财政部发现了为欧洲、非洲和亚洲毒品交易收益洗钱的复杂机制。
Wash or launder by hand instead of with a machine. 不是用机器而是用手洗。
He is planning to launder the money through Nathan's campaign. 他正计划透过铁栏清洗黑钱的活动。
Maybe we could launder the money. 也许我们可以洗掉那些钱。
The US Treasury yesterday banned American banks from dealing with Banco Delta Asia, after an investigation concluded that the Macao bank had helped North Korea launder money. 美国财政部昨日宣布,禁止美国各家银行与汇业银行(BancoDeltaAsia)进行业务往来。此前有调查发现,这家澳门银行曾帮助朝鲜洗钱。
In addition, China has joined the United States in seeking to crack down on North Korean counterfeiting of American dollars and Chinese yuan, as well as on the use of Chinese banks to launder profits from illicit North Korean exports of drugs including amphetamines. 此外,中国还同美国一道打击朝鲜制造假美元和假人民币的活动,以及打击利用中国银行给朝鲜非法出口包括安非他命在内的毒品所赚取利润来洗钱的活动。
Earlier this year, America took aim at banks that were helping Mr Kim's regime to launder money, a pinch that may have caused North Korea to hit back with the nuclear test. 今年上半年,美国瞄准了帮助金正日政权洗钱的那些银行,可能正是这一打击令朝鲜想以核试验作为回击。
The criminals begin to take some new methods including using legal professionals to help them launder money after many states take effective countermeasures. 随着国际社会采取多种措施打击洗钱犯罪,犯罪分子转而采取了借助专业人员特别是法律服务专业人员的帮助等方法来洗钱。
I know lawyers who launder money and they make more than I do. 我认识一些洗钱的律师,他们挣得比我多。
I was supposed to launder the old socks. 我该把这些旧袜子洗干净。
Another thing that is important when laundering baby clothing is to make sure that you launder any cloth diapers separately. 另一件事是重要的洗黑钱活动时,婴儿服装,是要确保您的任何清洗布尿布分开。