One of the largest and most perfect diamonds ever unearthed is going up for auction, after it was seized from a money launderer. 世界上最大最完美的钻石之一在从洗黑钱者手中缴获后将被拍卖。
It saddens me to say that for a money launderer to be caught and convicted, he or she is either very careless or very unlucky. 我只能悲哀地说,要把洗钱者抓获并定罪,除非他或她太不小心,或者太倒霉。
For the financial institutions which are in the front line of the anti-money laundering, anti-money laundering is a game with money launderer, which reveals a "paradox of encouragement". 对于处在反洗钱活动最前沿的金融机构来说,反洗钱是其与洗钱者博弈的过程,揭示了一种激励的悖论。
It will force money launderer to use more costly and less reliable channels and money laundering activities are more likely to be detected and destroyed. 这在迫使洗钱分子使用成本更高、可靠性较差的其他途径的同时,使洗钱活动更容易被发现和破坏。
Given money launderer can avoid requirement of cash transaction report through structuring transaction, the United States of America provided "structuring offence", which is independent of predicate crime. However, other countries do not agree with it. 考虑到洗钱者可以通过拆分交易来规避现金交易报告要求,美国还规定了拆分交易罪。拆分交易罪独立于上游犯罪,而其他国家并不这么认为。