To placate the Parliament and the opposition, the government raised the bar for citizenship. Strict due diligence standards were set to weed out money launderers and criminals. 为了安抚议会和反对派,政府提高了获得公民身份的门槛,设定了严格的尽职调查标准,以剔除洗钱者和犯罪分子。
But its anonymity gained it a reputation as the currency of choice for drug dealers and money launderers, while its volatility brought it to the attention of speculators. 但是,比特币系统的匿名性为其带来了毒品交易商或洗钱者首选货币的名声,同时该货币的波动性吸引了投机商的注意。
Anonymity and liquidity, two characteristics important to money launderers, typically do not exist in real estate transactions, the Dechert law firm wrote. 对洗钱者十分重要的匿名和流动性这两个特征,在房地产交易中往往不存在,德杰律师事务所(Dechert)写道。
Take your suits, leather coat to the Jinjiang Launderers. They'll starch and iron your shirts and dry clean your suits all in a day. 把你的西服和皮衣都送到锦江洗涤店吧。他们一天之内就会把衬衣上浆和熨好,西服也干洗好。
The drug cartels and their brethren, the ailing smugglers, the money launderers, the gun traffickers all make a living, violating US and Mexican law on a daily basis. 所有的毒品卡特尔都是同,病态的走私者,洗钱者,偷运支者每天都通过违反美国和墨西哥法律来谋生。
The UK bank, which signed up to the A-Z programme of management changes covering both its US and global operations, reiterated apologies for its failure to prevent Mexican money launderers and countries subject to sanctions, including Iran, from using its network. 汇丰签署的这个A到Z管理变革项目涉及其美国和全球业务。由于没能阻止墨西哥洗钱者和包括伊朗在内的受制裁国家利用其网络,汇丰也再次表达了歉意。
It would be much easier to spot money launderers if they wore stripy jumpers and carried bags labelled "swag". 如果洗钱者都穿着粗条纹外衣,拎着标有不义之财字样的袋子,那么银行发现他们就容易多了。
Under the challenge of persistently consolidating anti-money laundering measures in banking industry, the launderers begin to use insurance coverage as new laundering tools. 反在银行业出无续加大反洗钱力度的情形上,洗钱者开初将安齐做为其旧的洗钱工具。
Having long had a market among money launderers, drug smugglers, and tax evaders, the greenback has now gone up-market. 长期以来,在洗钱、毒品走私和逃税领域,美钞的市场行情一直见涨。
By analyzing the costs and profits of both the money launderers and banks this paper shows that the unbalance of costs and profits is the internal cause for the money launderers daring to take risks and banks inactive in anti-money laundering. 通过对洗钱者和银行业成本与收益的分析,揭示了二者成本与收益的不平衡是洗钱者敢于冒险、银行业反洗钱积极性不高的内在原因;
Analysis of Games Between Money Launderers and Financial Institution 洗钱者与金融机构的博弈研究
Simulation results show that with high transaction cost, money launderers prefer to end the process of money transfers with less frequency instead of endless safe transaction. 通过仿真实验得出了3条结论:在交易费用较高的条件下,洗钱者以较少次数结束转账过程;
It is a rational decision to engage in ML activities, but money laundering itself is not a rational behavior in traditional terms, implying that money launderers and their activities are characteristically different from the normal economic behaviors of normal people. 进入洗钱行业是理性决策的结果,但洗钱本身并不是传统意义上理性的经济活动,这就注定了洗钱者及其洗钱行为必然表现出不同于正常人和正常经济活动的特征。
In recent years, the amount of money launderers use for money laundering in the insurance industry becomes increasingly large, increasingly subtle means of money laundering, money laundering way to get innovation. 近年来,洗钱分子利用保险行业进行洗钱的金额变得越来越大、洗钱的手段日趋隐蔽,洗钱的方式得到创新。
Under the scheme, and submit the data generated by the existence of a high false alarm rate, data volume, easy-to-be money launderers to avoid regulation, and the inability to automatically adapt to changes in the form of money laundering, and many other disadvantages. 在该制度下产生的报送数据存在着误报率高、数据量大、易于被洗钱分子规避监管、以及无法自动适应洗钱形式变化等诸多弊端。
Money launderers, generally use financial institutions, particularly commercial banks as the main channel for dirty money bleaching. 洗钱分子一般利用金融机构特别是商业银行作为脏钱漂白的主要渠道。