Most member countries have already legislated against excessive overtime 大多数成员国均已立法禁止超时加班。
You cannot legislate to change attitudes. 态度是不能用立法来改变的。
The government will legislate against discrimination in the workplace. 政府将制定法律,在工作场所禁止歧视。
It has been proved necessary to legislate against unequal treatment of women is employment. 已经证明必须立法禁止在就业中对妇女的不平等待遇。
Existing national and local laws and regulations have no provisions on "puppy love". Heilongjiang is the first province to so legislate. 现行的国家和其他地方的法律法规中,并没有关于“早恋”的规定。黑龙江省成为首个对“早恋”问题进行立法的省。
We believe that any political consideration of this matter has to be considered in the context of the Government's decision to legislate and regulate casinos. 我们认为对此事的任何政治考虑都要联系政府决定立法禁止和规范赌博的来龙去脉来考量。
Higher medical costs legislate against an improvement in health. 医疗费用的上涨妨碍了健康的改善。
It is very difficult to legislate against racism. 很难立法来反种族歧视。
You vote not to legislate change. 你投票不是为了立法改革。
Is it necessary to legislate to regulate pet-keeping? 你认为有必要通过立法来规范宠物饲养吗?
A way to legislate people's love life, Should we do that? 一条让人们过法定爱情生活的路,我们应该这个做吗?
Parliament may legislate on any matter of penal law. 议会可以对刑事法律的任何事项立法。
Others will legislate on executive pay, or oblige banks to lend money in ways the state deems desirable. 还有一些做法会针对高管薪酬立法,或者强迫银行通过符合国家需要的方式放贷。
Though it's impossible to legislate high self-esteem, our own self-esteem has huge implications for our life paths. 虽然要对高自尊制定法律不可能;但是我们自己的自尊对自己的人生道路确有很大的后果影响。
Constantly Strengthening Drug Control Legislation It is not necessary to legislate against gambling. 不断加强禁毒立法没有必要立法禁赌。
All of the governments around the world should legislate to protect the environment. 世界上所有的政府都应该立法来保护环境。
They have the right to legislate within gaps, but often there are no gaps. 他们的确有权在空白之处立法,但那里常常没有空白。
It's impossible to legislate for every contingency. 为每一偶发事件都立法是不可能的。
He also said Australia would legislate to tighten disclosure requirements on short-selling. 他同时表示,澳大利亚将通过立法,收紧对卖空的披露要求。
You can, if you please, legislate for the laborers, or yourselves. 如果愿意,你们可以为劳工或为自己立法。
People legislate continually by means of talk. 人们用讲话不断地制订着法律。
Parliament must legislate against fox-hunting. 议会必须制订法律禁止猎狐。
In the legislative practice, phenomenon of going beyond one's commission to legislate is seen more frequently; 在立法实践中,越权立法的现象不时可见;
Many countries around the world have actively taken measures to legislate and prescribe for certain corporate governance requirements. 世界各地的许多国家都积极采取措施立法及处方,为某些企业管治的要求。
They promised to legislate against cigarette advertising. 他们许诺制定针对香烟广告的法律。
The Existing Problems and Relevant Legislate Propositions about The Overseas Investment Legislation of Our Country 我国海外投资立法存在的问题及相关立法建议
The FSA is trying to legislate through the back door, said a senior London-based banker. 伦敦一名高级银行家表示:FSA正试图通过走后门立法。
Our sovereign right to legislate has been eroded away. 我们的立法主权已被侵蚀殆尽。
We also have government bureaucracies trying to legislate for or against Net Neutrality and spam. 我们也有政府官僚机构试图立法支持或反对网络中立性和垃圾邮件。
It is important to legislate regularly, but the more important thing is the implementation of the law. 制定法律固然重要,但更重要的是法律的实施。