Before the lessor signs the lease, the lessee must receive a copy of the contract. 在出租人签署租赁合同之前,承租人必须要收到合同副本。
The lessee can be evicted for non-payment of rent. 租户不付租金,对方可把他逐出租地。
The lessee shall~ cash with guarantor as security for performance of the contract. 承租人将现金存放在保证人处,作为履约保证金。
The lessee shall pay the rent in accordance with the contract. 第二百四十八条承租人应当按照约定支付租金。
The outgoing Lessee's liability under an assignment of lease is limited to two ( 2) years. 退租的租户即使将房屋转借给他人,对该房屋仍保有两(2)年的责任。
Subject to consent by the lessor, the lessee may sublease the lease item to a third person. 承租人提起,出租人同意。可将租赁物,转租第三人。
Lessee must be given a Disclosure Statement and Draft Lease at the commencement of negotiations. 承租人在谈判开始时必须得到该店铺的详情披露和草拟租约。
Income from the lease of property to a lessee for use inside the people's Republic of china; 将财产出租给承租人在中国境内使用而取得的所得;
Lessee should pay extra work fee for drivers and vehicles, and provide the essential on-job meals. 承租方对司机和车辆加班支付加班费,且为出租方司机提供必要的工作餐。
Or the management by a lessee of any land in an estate let to or occupied by him. 或由承租人管理任何由其出租或租用之土地物业。
Lessee shall have no right to sublease the containers or assign its rights under this lease, except with the prior written consent of lessor. 除非在得到出租人事先书面许可的情况下,承租人无权将租赁的集装箱分租给他人或将本租约中约定的权利进行转让。
LESSOR shall deliver to LESSEE the condominium and administration bylaws and the internal bylaws for information and compliance purposes. 出租人应将共有权、行政规章制度和内部章程交付给承租人以供参阅和遵守。
At the end of the lease term, the lessee usually returns the asset to the leasor. 租赁期结束时,承租方通常将资产交回租赁方。
New Lessee should receive Disclosure Statement and copy of lease at start of the negotiation. 在谈判开始前,新承租人就应收到披露声明和租约副本。
The third party has right to request the lessee to make compensation for damages caused to it. 因承租人的无效行为给第三人造成损失的,第三人有权要求承租人赔偿。
Whenever requested, LESSEE shall furnish LESSOR with Certificates of Insurance. 每当要求,承租人应提供出租人与保险证明书。
Interestingly though, this relief would seem to only protect the lessor, not the lessee. 有意思的是,这个减负条款看起来似乎仅仅保护了出租方,而非承租方。
Losses caused intentionally or negligently by the lessee shall be borne by the lessee. 如因承租人的故意或过失造成损失的,由承租人负担。
Excludes the value of the goodwill and Lessee's fixtures and fittings from market review consideration. 在考虑市场价时,要刨除商誉价值和承租人对房屋进行的固定设施添置和装修。
In a capital lease, the lessee capitalizes the leased asset and reports a lease liability. 在资本租赁中,承租人资本化租赁资产和报告租赁负债。
The lessee changes the use of the building in violation of the contract; (二)承租人违反合同改变房屋用途的;
The Lessee agrees to maintain the leased building in good condition and not allow it to further deteriorate. 承租人同意将所租建筑保持良好状态,并不得任其损坏。
A lease is a rental agreement between the lessee and the lessor. 租赁契约是出租人和承租人之间达成的租用协议。
Where rights are claimed by a third party, the lessee shall notify the lessor promptly. 第三人主张权利的,承租人应当及时通知出租人。
Lessor's depots may mail or dispatch to lessee invoices for repair and other charges for the containers. 出租人的集装箱装卸站可以直接邮寄或发送给承租人相关的集装箱维修或相关费用票据。
The title of the leased asset is transferred to the lessee when the term of lease expires; 租赁期到期时,租赁资产权利转让给承租方;
Lessee does not pay water charges, electricity charges, etc.? 承租人不缴纳水费、电费等怎么办?
The lessee may sublease the leased premises with the consent of the lessor in accordance with these Procedures. 承租人经出租人同意,可以依照本办法将承租房屋转租。
The Lessee shall abide by the rules of property management Company. 第二款:乙方应遵守物业管理有限公司对小区的各项规定。
The Lessee shall permit the Lessor or his representative to enter the leased building for inspection at appropriate times. 承租人应允许出租人及其代表在适当的时间进入该房进行检查。