Their savvy trading across markets and time zones comes as China loosens currency controls and liberalises trading restrictions in overseas stocks and commodity markets. 随着中国放松货币管制以及解除对海外股票和大宗商品市场的交易限制,他们开始精明地从事跨市场和时区的交易。
But now, as China liberalises, embraces capitalism and wants to become a major world player, surely modernising its media has to be a paramount step? 但现在,随着中国的自由开放并希望走进世界巨头行列,媒体的现代化当然是此过程中最重要的步骤之一,不是吗?
The talks delivered an aviation deal that liberalises flights between the two countries. 此次对话达成了一项放开两国间航班限制的航空协议。