
网络  放宽; 使自由化




  1. The TPP would liberalise trade among 12 Pacific nations, including Japan and the US, covering about 40 per cent of global output. Negotiations have been under way for almost seven years.
  2. The straightforward points in favour are: plurilateral agreements are now the best way to liberalise global trade, given the failure of multilateral negotiations; their new rules and procedures offer the best template for the future; and they will bring significant gains.
  3. Closer to home, the emphasis should be on reforms to liberalise labour markets, on measures to promote investment and incentives for research and development.
  4. Facing these twin threats, Ms Lagarde urged emerging market governments to enact economic reforms to raise growth, improve their current account positions and gradually liberalise financial ­ markets.
  5. Two legislative efforts to liberalise private hire in Germany have failed amid taxi opposition.
  6. China would have to abandon exchange controls and liberalise its financial system.
  7. To find a solution, they may have to help China to liberalise its financial markets even further.
  8. But European economies also need both European Union and domestic measures to open up product markets, liberalise labour markets, support enterprise and reform welfare.
  9. The territory hopes to establish itself as an offshore centre for renminbi business, as China experiments with measures to liberalise its closed capital account.
  10. Even in seeking to liberalise regional trade and investment in goods and services, ASEAN seems to have run out of steam.
  11. This makes current plans to liberalise the capital account at present deeply troubling and inconsistent with other policy priorities.
  12. China should table in the Doha world trade talks a substantial offer to liberalise its services market, the development of which is central to achieving its aim of more balanced, less export-dependent, growth.
  13. Japan's "big bang", which included measures to liberalise trading commissions, encourage independent financial advisers and foster defined-contribution pension plans, happened only in1998.
  14. One short-term answer would be to liberalise private outflows of capital.
  15. In addition, the government is reducing the supply of cheap credit and has moved to liberalise prices for energy and other utilities.
  16. China moved yesterday to further liberalise its gold market, increasing the number of banks allowed to trade bullion internationally and announcing measures that will encourage development of gold-linked investment products.
  17. Other nations, headed by China and India, have been slower to liberalise their external accounts and can rely on decades-old barriers.
  18. The round began in 2001 with plans to liberalise manufacturing and agricultural markets, but farm subsidies have proved a sticking point for both the US and EU.
  19. India has traditionally been one of the most reluctant countries to liberalise trade.
  20. She said it would pursue measures to raise agricultural productivity and liberalise markets for crops.
  21. China still needs to liberalise consumer finance and bolster social-safety nets, but these are slow-burn prescriptions that will not shrink China's trade surplus in the short term.
  22. China will, indeed, liberalise gradually.
  23. China would have to liberalise and open its financial markets, exposing itself to the vagaries of world markets and the mistrust of its own people.
  24. The measures liberalise a number of types of capital account transactions by domestic individuals.
  25. The government has said it wants to liberalise utility and fuel prices but a higher CPI number makes that less likely to happen.
  26. Many European countries, and Japan, need to free their labour markets and liberalise services, to boost productivity growth.
  27. China has recently taken the first steps to liberalise its fund management industry and allow money to be invested offshore.
  28. Capital controls, which Russia used to have before it decided to liberalise its capital account in2006, are both economically and politically unpalatable;



  1. make liberal or more liberal, of laws and rules

      Synonym:    liberalize

    1. become more liberal
      1. The laws liberalized after Prohibition

      Synonym:    liberalize