The company closed down operations and began liquidating its assets in January. 公司停止了各项业务,于1月份开始变卖资产。
It has not helped that hedge funds have been liquidating commodity positions. 对冲基金不断结清大宗商品头寸的做法也无济于事。
Liquidating the properties of the company, and producing balance sheets and asset checklists; 清理公司财产,分别编制资产负债表和财产清单;
This is the sum of all accounts that contain a net liquidating equity. 这是包含净清算的产权所有帐户的总和。
However, Barcelona's affordable housing plans only achieved real momentum last year after the city finished liquidating its Olympic debt. 然而,直到还清奥运债务后,巴塞罗那的经济房计划才于去年获得真正的动力。
The situation is a little special now, because client company closes down, liquidating. 现在情况有些非凡,因为客户公司倒闭,正在清算。
It is now in the process of liquidating its assets and was expected to make an initial distribution of$ 20bn to remaining investors on Monday, according to reports. 报道说,该基金现在处于清算资产的过程中,预计将在下周一向剩余的投资者初步发放200亿美元。
Liquidating dividends usually are paid only when a corporation is going out of existence or is making a permanent reduction in the size of its operations. 清算股利一般只在公司停止经营或永久性压缩其经营规模时才支付。
Members of the liquidating committee may not abuse their authorities by accepting bribes or receiving other illegal income, and may not misappropriate company assets. 清算组成员不得利用职权收受贿赂或者其他非法收入,不得侵占公司财产。
Also, investors are liquidating their commodities indices and baskets, in which the precious metal has a large presence. 此外,投资者正在变现自己的大宗商品指数和篮子,其中黄金占据很大比例。
Some economists of Austrian origin have claimed that recessions have their value in liquidating unwise investments and that attempts to keep the economy going full blast all the time only store up greater trouble for the future. 一些奥地利学派的经济学家曾论断称,经济衰退在消除非理智投资方面是有一定价值的,而试图时时刻刻保持经济全速前进只会为将来埋下祸根。
Foreign funds are still liquidating positions and fleeing for safe havens. 外国基金仍在平仓,逃向安全港。
Finally, the privatisations organised by the Treuhand, a government-appointed trust, failed to tap local capital, appealing instead to West German investors who often ended up stripping or liquidating the assets. 最后,由政府指定的信托机构treuhand一手运作的私有化,未能利用本地资金,而是吸引了西德的投资者,而他们最终往往将资产作剥离或清算处理。
The stock market capitalisations of Citigroup and Bank of America languish at half and three fifths of tangible book value, respectively liquidating Citi could hand shareholders a gain of 100 per cent. 花旗集团(citigroup)和美国银行(bankofamerica)的股票市值仅分别为有形账面价值的一半和五分之三,清算花旗将让股东获得100%的收益。
The contents of the registration announcement of cancellation of registration include name, residence, legal representative, registration number, reason of cancellation and the unit liquidating the debts. 注销登记公敌的内容包括名称、住所、法定代表人,注册号、注销原因、负责清理债务的单位。
His genius was to combine an automatic mechanism for liquidating surpluses and deficits with measures to reduce incentives to accumulate excessive reserves. 他的天才之处在于将自动结清盈余或赤字的机制与削弱过度积累外汇储备意愿的措施结合起来。
Sometimes society is best served by liquidating a dysfunctional company. 有时,让机能失调的企业进入破产清算对社会最为有利。
Indeed, far from liquidating assets, the chat over banquets in Shanghai and Beijing is how to snaffle bigger bargains overseas. 事实上,在上海和北京举行的宴会上,人们所谈论的话题远非资产清算,而是如何到海外攫取更便宜的资产。
It is really scary, said one at a US bank. Everyone is liquidating in the eurozone bond markets* Everyone is heading for the door. 美国某银行的一位人士表示:真可怕,欧元区债券市场上人人都在清盘,大家都在涌向门口。
The government made every effort to staBilize the economy By liquidating the national deBt. 政府以清偿国家债务力谋稳定经济。
Given that this company has been kept alive by its parent, it would seem there is no alternative to liquidating the company, said one German insolvency lawyer. 一位德国破产律师表示:鉴于这家公司一直依赖母公司存活,似乎除了清算别无他法。
Fiscal stimulus is just another word for aid and liquidating toxic assets is not different from debt cancellation the things that Africa has been demanding for years. 财政刺激只不过是援助的代名词,清除不良资产无异于债务注销,这些是非洲多年来的要求。
There are often costs and inconvenience associated with liquidating other assets. 这些资产变现时总须花费,也不方便。
The bookseller is expected to ask a bankruptcy judge Thursday to approve plans to start liquidating as soon as Friday. 预计该连锁书店周四将请求破产法官批准最早于周五开始清盘的计划。
I would also suggest that the huge numbers of Chinese private investors many of whom have borrowed to fund share purchases will carry on liquidating their positions. 我还认为,非常之多的中国私人投资者(很多人用借来的钱去购买股票)将会继续清仓。
The plan for liquidating debts recognized by the creditors conference is binding to both parties. 经债权人会议认可的偿债计划,对双方当事人具有约束力。
Distribution to shareholders may be in the form of a dividend ( called liquidating dividend). 对于股东可以以红利(称为清算红利)形式分配。
Therefore we should not regard the rich peasants as belonging to the same class as the landlords and should not prematurely adopt a policy of liquidating the rich peasantry. 因此,我们不应把富农看成和地主无分别的阶级,不应过早地采取消灭富农的政策。
A liquidating dividend occurs when a corporation pays a dividend that exceeds the balance in the retained earnings account. 当公司超过其留存收益账户的余额支付股利时,则产生清算股利。
Savings effected in liquidating prior year obligations At December 31, there were nine loans with delinquent payments of over 90 days, or just 0.16 per cent of the Outstanding Principal balance. 到一九九九年十二月三十一日,共有九宗贷款拖欠超过90日,仅占未偿还本金余额的0.16%。