They are all a hotchpotch of greatness and littleness, of virtue and vice, of nobility and baseness. 他们皆是伟大与渺小,善良与邪恶,高尚与低俗的混合体。
These become, then, as the influences that would show man as to his littleness in even entertaining hate, injustice, or that which would make a lie. 然后,这些成为了展示了人类之卑劣的那些影响力,他们在憎恨、不公义、或者甚至在制造谎言中得到娱乐。
On the other hand, language includes a large number of learned words. The littleness of human nature can be seen in many ways. 另一方面,语言拥有许多学术性的东西。人性之卑鄙可从多方面看出。
The littleness of human nature can be seen in many ways. 人性之卑鄙可从多方面看出。
This He did, not by putting aside His greatness, but by taking to Himself our littleness 他所作的这一切,并不是抛弃了他的伟大,而是他自己取了我们的渺小
The littleness of one's fellows in the mob of life is a very strange experience. 下里巴人在混沌生活中表现出的渺小真令人惊诧。
It shows littleness to notice such things. These are the first-chosen apparel sources for fashion, underclothes, bras, shoes and decorating materials. 注意这类事情只能表示心胸狭窄而已。是时装、衣裤、装、胸、类、饰材料的首选面料。
Those who cannot feel the littleness of great things in themselves are apt to overlook the greatness of little things in others. 那些无法觉知自身的伟大实则渺小不值一提的,都容易忽略他人身上那些小细节的伟大之处。
A Good Job Lies in the Littleness& The Description of the Female Costumes by Zhang Ailing and Su Qing 于细微处见功夫&张爱玲与苏青小说中的女性服饰描写
Then the following problems are investigated: the menace of the collision attack to hash function, the littleness of computing resource in MAS terminal, the group key management in MAS system being suited by concentrated key management, not distributed key management. 然后针对存在的下列问题展开研究:哈希函数的碰撞攻击威胁;MAS终端计算资源少,MAS系统中的组密钥管理宜采用集中式密钥管理,不适合采用分布式密钥管理。
Due to the littleness of rainfall and high evaporation in July and August, the soil water content was low. 由于在7~8月降雨量较小和蒸发量较大等原因,沙地含水量较低。