Apathy is the long-standing curse of British local democracy 冷漠是英国地方民主制度长期以来难以推广的祸根。
Compared with the long-standing friendship between the two countries, their boundary dispute is only an issue of a temporary and limited nature. 两国之间的边界争论,比起两国的悠久友谊来说,是一个暂时性和局部性的问题。
The long-standing dispute about working conditions finally came to a head when the workforce voted for strike action. 关于工作条件的长期争论终于达到了白热化的程度,工人们投票赞成罢工。
This emphasised the special nature of China-Africa relations and Chinas long-standing friendship with and support for Africa. 这凸显了中非关系的特殊性和中方对非洲的一贯友好和支持。
Well, dear-about that question of mine-that long-standing question? 好了,亲爱的关于我提出的问题那个长期拖而不决的问题现在怎么样啊?
Argentina's dispute with these creditors is a long-standing battle that stems from the country's default in 2001. 阿根廷与这些债权人的纠纷由来已久,可以一直追溯到该国2001年发生的违约。
Canada and the United States have a long-standing entente on border problems. 加拿大和美国在边界问题上有一个长期存在的协约。
But critics doubt they can solve the long-standing issue of fraud and misconduct in Chinese academia. 但评论家们怀疑这些新规定是否能够从根本上解决在中国学术界长期存在的弄虚作假和学术不端问题。
The two sides reviewed the long-standing serious disputes between China and the United States. 双方回顾了中美两国之间长期存在的严重争端。
Orientalism is a deeply rooted and long-standing idea and discourse tradition in Western civilization. 东方主义乃是西方文明中一个根深蒂固的悠久的思想与话语传统。
Concern about global warming over the past decade led many greens to reconsider their long-standing opposition to nuclear power. 过去十年对全球变暖的担忧,促使许多环保主义者对反对核能的长期立场进行了反思。
A long-standing problem is the lack of essential procurement and regulatory capacities in many developing countries. 一个长期存在的问题就是,许多发展中国家缺乏关键的采购和监管能力。
And the Manchu nationality has believed in Shamanism for long-standing time and it impacts lasting. 而满族信奉萨满教由来已久,创造了丰富的文化遗产,影响深远。
The distance between the earth and the sun is one of the most long-standing values in astronomy. 地球和太阳之间的距离是天文学中最长期使用的数值之一。
The puzzle of the cosmic age is a long-standing key problem in big bang cosmology. 宇宙年龄是大爆炸宇宙学中的一个关键性的问题。
No one can deny that China is a country with five thousand years'history and long-standing culture. 无人可否认中国是一个具有五千年历史和悠久文化的国家。
Long-standing relations with China have proved valuable for Germans. 事实证明,与中国历史悠久的关系对德国价值非凡。
This has been a long-standing problem in Hong Kong and Singapore and is now spreading to other areas. 这在香港和新加坡是一个长期存在的问题,但现在正蔓延到其它地方。
He also warned of growing alienation between Israel and its long-standing ally, the United States. 他还警告称,以色列和长期盟国美国之间的关系越来越疏远。
The Sino-US trade imbalance is a long-standing problem. 中美贸易不平衡是一个由来已久的问题。
By any yardstick, we can be proud of our long-standing record of philanthropy for charities and education. 不论以什么标准来衡量,我们长期对慈善和教育事业的奉献,都值得我们引以为荣。
Considering the long-standing business relationship between us, we accept it. 考虑到我们长远的业务关系,我们接受你的要求。
Britain as a nation has very long-standing ties with the Middle East, as does France. 他说:作为一个国家,英国和中东的关系源远流长,法国也同样如此。
But while they can help societies to solve long-standing economic and social problems, they also bring new challenges. 虽然,数码科技有助我们解决一些长期性的经济和社会问题,但也带来了新的冲击。
If confirmed, the study would resolve a long-standing mystery about the star-forming process. 如果得以证实,该研究将解开一个有关恒星形成的由来已久的谜团。
Britain has a long-standing treaty with Portugal about mutual defence. 英国和葡萄牙两国之间有一个长期的共同防御条约。
My interest in the field is long-standing. 我对于这方面的兴趣是由来已久的了。
The U.S.-China chicken issue is a long-standing one. 关于美国和中国鸡肉进出口的问题由来已久。
Our concerns about Iran and its meddling in Iraq's affairs are long-standing. 我们对伊朗干涉伊拉克问题的担忧是长期存在的。
The university co-operation part-time teacher is long-standing, our country unceasingly is also increasing to part-time teacher's demand. 高校聘任兼职教师由来已久,我国对兼职教师的需求也在不断增大。