Report writing, like motor car driving and lovemaking, is one of those activities that every Englishman thinks he can do well without instruction. 写报告,像开车和做爱一样,是每个英国人都以为自己毋需指导就能做好的事。
Garcia: If I figure it out, does it earn me a night of passionate lovemaking? 要是我搞清楚了,能赏我个激情之夜吗?
Thus you may have to delay some innovations in lovemaking until your lover is really ready for them, so that you don't rush into things that aren't yet appropriate. 因此在你的另一半准备好之前,不要太急于去尝试一些性爱上的创新,以至于你们不会去做一些还不适合你们做的事情。
When he's confident that, you find him sexy, he's more likely to initiate lovemaking. 当他自信你认为他性感时,便会增进他做爱的冲动。
You can get around this problem somewhat by agreeing in advance on a specific time for lovemaking when you know you will have the energy. 你可以在当你感觉会有充沛能量的时候预先安排好性爱的时间,以在一定程度上缓解这一问题。
Then the two would enjoy their licentious lovemaking. 于是这两个人便会去享受那胡天胡地的性爱。
Her topics included recommendations on the best music for good lovemaking, the aphrodisiacal benefits of eating oysters and technical pointers on making love in a car. 她的话题包括介绍最适合做爱时的音乐;吃牡蛎对壮阳的好处和在汽车里做爱的技巧等等。
And there are great variation in frequency of lovemaking among happy couples. Are there specific ways in which couples who remain happily in love behave differently from couples who do not? 而每对恩爱夫妻的做爱频率都是迥然相异的。恩爱夫妻是否在处事方式上与那些感情不和的夫妻有不同之处?
Without a doubt, that is the quickest way to end your lovemaking in a hurry. 毫无疑问,直奔主题是让你的性爱匆匆收场的最快方法。
One dedicated to love and lovemaking especially one who writes about love. 一个专注于爱和调情特别是写爱情小说的人。
Scorpios understand that great lovemaking is both a ritual of holy purity and wanton abandon in the heat of love. 天蝎们知道热恋中”伟大的“做爱是个既圣洁又放浪的仪式。
Myrrh was associated with lovemaking and was sometimes used to anoint the door-posts of the bridegroom's house when his bride was delivered to him. 没药与求爱相连,有时候新郎转交给他的时候,是涂在新郎房子的门边梃上。
Or was it like more about tender lovemaking? 还是更像温柔美妙型的?
Tantric Sex is meditative, spontaneous and intimate lovemaking. 坦陀罗性是静心的,自发和亲密的调情。
You don't mean to say that any lovemaking has been going on? 你不是想说恋爱在进行吧?
Lovemaking does not really need love but lovemaking is sacred only when love is present. 做爱并不需要有真正的爱,但是仅仅当爱出现在眼前时做爱才是那么的神圣。