Why not dress up your kids as Mario and Luigi for next Halloween? 下一个万圣节,把自家小孩也装扮成超级玛丽吧!
In New Super Mario Brothers, I controlled my character ( Luigi), while also tapping the GamePad's touch screen to add helpful climbing blocks in midair throughout the game. 在玩《新超级马里奥兄弟》的时候,我在控制我的角色Luigi的同时,在整个游戏过程中还要不时点按GamePad的触摸屏,以增加半空中辅助攀爬的方块。
How could Luigi have such a vile brother? 鲁吉怎么会有一个这样卑鄙的兄弟?
I take it that means without exception, from the most trivial thoughts to the most shameless. Luigi was not mistaken. The traveller, who was going from Palestrina to Tivoli, had mistaken his way; 按我的理解这是说他没有一回猜错,从最琐碎的到最无耻的念头。罗吉没有猜错,这位旅客是从派立斯特里纳到蒂沃利去的,已经走错了路。
Hot snot, we are back in business! Guido! Luigi! 伙计们,我们有活儿干了!桂多!路易金!
Because of the public slurs on his character, Luigi challenges the Judge to another duel; 由于人格受到公开侮辱,路易吉向法官挑战要求再次决斗。
Background: Luigi Ciocca is an Italian fashion designer consultant. 背景:LuigiCiocca为意大利著名设计师兼时尚顾问。
Cried Luigi and Teresa at the same moment. 罗吉和德丽莎同时喊出声来。
Every day Luigi led his flock to graze on the road that leads from Palestrina to borgo; 每天,罗吉带着他的羊群到那条从派立斯特里纳到博尔戈去的路上去吃草。
They say you have stolen luigi's money. 他们说你偷了鲁吉的钱。
After three difficult years, luigi's restaurant began at last to prosper. 艰辛的三年过后,卢吉的饭店终于红火起来。
She hoped her outcry would remind her son, Luigi, "never to forget to keep among his fundamental values a respect for women". 她希望她的大声疾呼,能让她的儿子路易吉(luigi)记住,“永远不要忘记在自己的根本价值观中保留对女性的尊重”。
Luigi wore the very picturesque garb of the Roman peasant at holiday time. 罗吉则穿着罗马农民在假日才穿的那种非常美丽的服装。
Luigi took her arm beneath his own, and led her to the door of the grotto. 罗吉挽住她的手臂,领她到地洞门口,停下来。
He had read in the countenances of Luigi and Teresa their steadfast resolution not to surrender him, and he drew from his pocket a purse full of gold, which he offered to them. 他从罗吉和德丽莎的脸上看出他们决不肯出卖他,于是他从口袋里掏出了满满一袋金子来,送给了他们。
As Luigi spoke thus, he left her. 罗吉这样说了以后就走了。
And with overpowering compliments her handsome Cavalier led her back to the place whence he had taken her, and where Luigi awaited her. 她这位漂亮的舞伴一面向她竭力恭维,一面领她回到了他邀请她的地方,就是罗吉在等她的地方。
When Tom himself refuses to do it, the Judge challenges Luigi to a duel. 在汤姆自己不愿决斗的情况下,法官自己向路易吉挑战决斗。
And the next moment Luigi Vampa appeared before danglars. 一会儿,罗吉万帕便出现在腾格拉尔的面前了。
Luigi Arditi had been right all along& the real reward for his efforts was the music. 之后,阿迪蒂就再也没有出过差错&对他努力的真正回报,是音乐本身。
When he saw Luigi, he put his horse into a gallop and advanced toward him. 他一看到罗吉,就纵马疾弛,向他奔来。
All right, luigi, give me the best set of blackwalls you've got. 好了,路易金,把你最好的黑轮胎给我装上一套吧。
Following a tearful farewell from Princess Peach, the credits consist of Mario and Luigi leaving the Mushroom Kingdom. 泪别碧琪公主后,马里奥兄弟离开了蘑菇王国。
Luigi Ciocca: I always thought that we can "educate" the people to the beautiful. LuigiCiocca:我总是认为我们可以“教”人们变得更美丽。
I was the great love of luigi's life. 我是鲁吉一生中的最爱。
Luigi and the others, they're here. 瑞基和其他人,他们到了。
Cried several bandits from ferrusino, pampinara, and anagni, who had recognized Luigi vampa. 几个强盗大声喊道,他们是费罗西诺,班壁娜拉和阿纳尼人,本来就认识罗吉万帕的。
It's an upgraded version Medieval Duke and Mercenaries by Luigi with my new troops and lot of nice kingdom features. 这是一个升级版中世纪杜克和雇佣军的路易吉与我的新部队和很多人的王国功能。
But I am a countess, too, luigi. 但鲁吉,我也是个伯爵夫人。
Luigi Ciocca: Because Shanghai is a city that reminds me Milan, not in the urban sense, but for his energy and because Shanghai is a city projected into the future. LuigiCiocca:因为上海让我想起米兰,并不是说城市规划,而是它的能量,未来的希望在上海。