There is an acknowledged risk of lung cancer from radon. 氡被认为有诱发肺癌的危险。
Not only cancer, but also heart and lung disease are influenced by smoking. 不仅是癌症,还有心脏病和肺部疾病也都会受吸烟影响。
10,000 deaths a year from chronic lung disease are attributable to smoking 吸烟导致每年有1万人死于慢性肺病。
He was born with only one lung. 他生下来就只有一叶肺。
Ninety per cent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. 90%的肺癌是吸烟所致。
Anyone with heart, lung or circulation problems should seek medical advice before flying. 有心肺疾病或血液循环问题的人在乘坐飞机前应寻求医生建议。
He was rushed to hospital last week after suffering a collapsed lung. 上星期,他因出现肺萎陷而被火速送进医院。
The test should identify which smokers are most prone to develop lung cancer 这项检查应该可以确认哪些吸烟者更容易得肺癌。
Every working day I treat people who are dying from lung diseases caused by smoking. 每天上班我都要医治那些因吸烟患上肺病的垂危患者。
Before too long my lung abscess healed up. 没多久,我的肺脓肿就痊愈了。
He was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. 他被诊断患了无法手术的肺癌。
Lung cells die and are replaced about once a week 肺细胞约每周新老更替一次。
Lung cancer has now overtaken breast cancer as a cause of death for women in the US 肺癌现在已经取代乳腺癌成为美国女性的一大杀手。
The change in smoking is paralleled by a change in the incidence of lung cancer 吸烟情况的变化与肺癌发病率的变化如影随形。
It goes without saying that if someone has lung problems they should not smoke. 不用说,有肺病的人不应吸烟。
Since her heart and lung transplant operation she has gone from strength to strength 做过心肺移植手术后,她的身体不断好转。
Lung cancer deprived him of his life. 肺癌夺去了他的生命。
Damages and the sound track or consumes wound lung being mad, may also cause the aphonia. 损及声道或耗伤肺气者,亦可导致失音。
Smoking can cause lung cancer. 抽烟可能会导致肺癌。
Is there a link between smoking and lung diseases? 吸烟和肺病有联系吗?
Lowest lung cancer rates were found in lifetime rural nonsmokers. 肺癌率最低的是终生居住在乡村的不吸烟者。
Most small cell lung cancers are the oat cell type. 大部分小细胞肺癌属于燕麦细胞癌。
If you are a chain smoker you may get lung cancer. 如果你一支接一支地抽烟,有可能得肺癌的。
A bullet pierced his right lung. 一颗子弹洞穿他的右肺。
Small cell lung cancer is neuroendocrine neoplasm and origins from apud ( amine precursor uptake decarboxylation) cell. 小细胞肺癌是神经内分泌肿瘤,起源于apud(胺前体摄取脱羧化)细胞。
He had an operation for lung cancer. 他接受了肺癌手术。
A demonstrable link between smoking and lung cancer. 抽烟和肺癌之间有明显的联系。
I was finally diagnosed when I aspirated into my left lung and developed pneumonia or something similar to that. 我终于确诊,当我把我的左肺和发展肺炎或类似的送气。
Mesothelioma and lung cancer are very different diseases. 间皮瘤和肺癌是非常不同的疾病。
Any benefit for lung and esophageal cancer was limited to adenocarcinomas, which are most commonly seen in nonsmokers. 对肺和食管癌的任何益处限于腺癌,它在非吸烟者中是最常见的。