The weak of irradiation intensity does not affect the bond durability of dual-cured resin luting agents to silanized ceramics. 光照射强度的减弱对双重固化树脂粘接剂与硅烷偶联剂处理的玻璃陶瓷间的粘接耐久性没有影响。
Effects on tooth fracture resistance in composite resin inlay bonding with various luting cements 不同水门汀黏接树脂嵌体对牙体抗折力影响的研究
A cement resembling putty; made by mixing white and red lead in boiled linseed oil; used as luting on pipe fittings. 一种类似油灰的胶泥,由白色和红色的铅与煮沸的亚麻油混合而成,用于封闭管道接口。
The Effect on Bond Strength of Different Composite Resin Luting Cements to Fiber-reinforced Composite Root Canal Post 6种复合树脂粘接剂与纤维增强型复合树脂根管桩的粘接强度研究
Design and construction of the multimedia management information system of Luting Mine 芦岭煤矿多媒体管理信息系统设计与建设
Effects of radicular dentin treatment and luting materials on bond strength of quartz fiber posts in vitro 根管壁表面处理和不同粘结系统对纤维桩粘结强度的影响
Evaluation of the Bond Strength of Different Luting Cements in Root Canal Dentin after Post Space Preparation wet surface hardenable adhesive 不同树脂粘固剂粘结根管牙本质后粘结强度的差异潮湿面可固化胶粘剂
The effect of different luting cements on casting metal full crown retention force 不同黏结材料对金属全冠固位力影响的研究
Dentists should choose luting cements reasonably and do cementation carefully, make the fixed prosthodontics expectation as long as possible. 临床医生应合理地选择黏结材料,精细地完成黏结过程,达到最佳的修复效果。
The Influence of Luting Cements on in Vitro Mechanical Behavior of Fixed Partial Denture by Rosette Gauge Technique 不同黏结剂对固定义齿力学影响的体外研究
He Luting, reputed as the forerunner of Chinese national music, is both a composer and music critic who has a great contribution to Chinese music field. 贺绿汀是一位对我国音乐事业有重要贡献的作曲家和音乐评论家,他被称为中国民族音乐的先行者。
Study on polyurethane adhesive and the hygroscopic capacity bonding material Evaluation of the Bond Strength of Different Luting Cements in Root Canal Dentin after Post Space Preparation 聚氨酯粘结剂的合成与粘结体吸湿性研究不同树脂粘固剂粘结根管牙本质后粘结强度的差异
Engineering Design of Intelligent System for Zhoushan Luting Hotel 舟山市露亭大酒店智能化系统工程设计
Objective To compare the effects of various luting agents on FINESSE all-ceramic crowns, which will provide some foundations for the future clinical applications. 目的比较不同粘结剂对FINESSE全瓷冠的粘结效果,为临床应用提供依据。
The three types of cements used had no significant difference between luting results just by mechanical characteristics. 单纯从力学角度看,三种黏结剂对固定义齿黏结效果无明显差异。
The fire broke out at1:40 a.m at a two-story store on Luting Road in eastern Huangyan District. 火灾是在东部的黄阳区早晨1点40分在露头路的一个两次楼上发生了。
Objective: Aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of silica coating with sol-gel process on bonding strength between glass infiltrated alumina ceramic and resin luting cement. 目的:探讨利用溶胶凝胶法进行纳米硅涂层表面改性对玻璃渗透氧化铝陶瓷粘结强度的影响。
The Effect of Different Fabricating Methods and Luting Cements on Retention of Posts 不同制作方法及不同粘接材料对桩固位力影响的实验研究
Conclusion: Various luting cements have different effects on FINESSE all-ceramic crowns. 结论:采用不同的粘固剂对FINESSE全瓷冠有影响。
Influence of different luting agents on the marginal adaptation of posterior IPS-Empress 2 all-ceramic crowns 不同粘固剂对IPS-Empress2后牙全瓷冠边缘适合性的影响
The experimental investigation of the effects of various luting cements on FINESSE all-ceramic crowns 不同粘固剂对FINESSE全瓷冠粘固效果影响的实验研究
The 130 teeth were investigated after luting in two weeks, 6, 12 to 60 months respectively. 于修复体粘固后2周及6、12~60个月复查评价临床效果。
Clinicians should selected dentin desensitizer to match a kind of luting agent to avoid the negative effect of the adhesive bond strengths. 临床上选用脱敏剂时要注意与粘接剂的匹配,以免对修复体和充填体的固位力造成不良影响。
Fatigue resistance of three resin luting systems bonding Ni-Cr alloy to bovine enamel 不同粘接系统粘接Ni-Cr合金与牛牙釉质的疲劳破坏研究
Comparative study of bond strength between zirconia ceramics and 4 luting cements 4种黏结材料与氧化锆陶瓷黏结剪切强度的比较
Bonding and Mechanical Interlocking of Three Kinds of Luting Cements in Retention of Complete Metal Crowns 不同粘接剂的粘接力与机械嵌合力在金属全冠固位中的作用
The critical wind velocity and frequency of luting of ideal plate are also calculated in this dissertation nd its results are in conformity with the analytical ones. 本文还计算了理想平板的颤振临界风速和频率,与理论结果相比,吻合较好。
Objective To compare the fatigue resistant ability of three resin luting systems bonding Ni-Cr alloy to bovine enamel in an in vitro thermocycling and mechanical loading ( TCML) chewing simulator. 目的通过体外冷热循环机械载荷(TCML)咀嚼模拟实验,比较三种不同树脂粘接系统粘接Ni-Cr合金与牛牙釉质的抗疲劳破坏能力。
Objective: The specific purpose of this investigation was to compare the effect of two luting agents ( zinc phosphate and glass-ionomer) used in clinic to cement-retained implant denture on stress distribution. 目的:分析目前临床上常用的两种封闭介质(磷酸锌水门汀和玻璃离子水门汀)对粘结固定型种植义齿应力分布的影响。
The luting cement may seal the prosthesis and abutment well and make them an integral structure but the crown will deform and the cement layer may crack while be loaded. 虽然粘接剂能提供修复体和基牙之间的良好封闭,使修复体与基牙形成一体化结构,但是在受力后全冠可产生不同程度的变形,而粘接层则可能发生微小的龟裂破坏。