ADJ-GRADED 令人毛骨悚然的;恐怖的;可怕的;与死亡(或伤害)有关的 You describe something such as an event or story as macabre when it is strange and horrible or upsetting, usually because it involves death or injury.
Police have made a macabre discovery... 警方有一个令人毛骨悚然的发现。
Mr Dahl was well-known for his macabre adult stories called 'Tales of the Unexpected'. 达尔先生以成人恐怖小说集《意料之外的故事》闻名于世。
Police have made a macabre discovery 警方有一个令人毛骨悚然的发现。
Log on to the Hammer Web ring, with 12 more sites devoted to macabre movies. 登录哈默网络联盟,就会找到另外12个专门播放恐怖电影的网站。
Yet medical monstrosities that are hardly any better undoubtedly continue, almost as a matter of macabre routine, in America, Britain and many other countries. 然而,那些几乎不可能比安乐死更好的医疗中的可怕事件,作为一种可怕的例行事物,毫无疑问,在美国、英国以及其他许多国家继续存在。
James Thomlinson designed his burger using gory testimonials describing the taste of human flesh, mixing veal, chicken livers, bone marrow and pork to make the macabre meal. 詹姆斯托姆林森参照资料中血淋淋的人肉味道,把小牛肉、鸡肝、骨髓和猪肉混合在一起,制作出可怕的人肉味。
Why are the living dead taking over our lives, and why have so many other domains of American culture, from architects to academics to departments of the federal government, been so eager to jump on this macabre bandwagon? 为什么我们的生活会被僵尸占据?为什么从建筑、学术到联邦政府各部的如此多的美国文化领域那么急切地赶着这股恐怖潮流?
Passenger Jane Allen, whose great-uncle died on his honeymoon trip on the Titanic while her great-aunt survived, said she did not think it was ghoulish or macabre to go on the voyage. 乘客简-艾伦的伯祖父在泰坦尼克号上遇难,当时他正度蜜月,简的伯祖母幸存了下来。简说,她不觉得这次纪念之旅令人毛骨悚然或者非常可怕。
The plaster smell was consistent with the fact that Joan of Arc was burnt on a plaster stake, not a wooden one, to make the whole macabre spectacle last longer. 石膏味与当时为了增加痛苦,火刑在石膏柱而非木柱上进行的事实吻合。
A French poet noted for macabre imagery and evocative language ( 1821-1867). 以死亡为主题和呼唤言语表达方式而著名的法国诗人。
Macabre stories about tortures conceived by a madman. 关于由一个疯子构想出来的可怕故事。
What followed is one of the more macabre scenes of this or any war. 无论是在此或是任何一场战争中,接下来的场景都更令人毛骨悚然。
Dance Macabre, high technology wins, let us look forward to them in the national finals of the wonderful performance! 群魔乱舞,技高者胜,让我们一起期待他们在全国总决赛的精彩表现!
I heard that today is Halloween Halloween, ah, street Dance Macabre, remember to go home early, ah, shut the doors and windows before going to sleep good! 听说今天是万圣节鬼节啊,大街上群魔乱舞,记得早早回家啊,临睡前把门窗关好啊!
Their torches lit the macabre proceedings in a pallid light that danced over their garish rune-covered robes. 他们穿的长袍上绘着繁复而华丽的符文,折射着火炬那苍白的光线。
In his introductory monologue, he tried to point out that he was a nice guy despite his sometimes macabre roles. 他在介绍词中特意指出,自己其实是一个很好的人,尽管有时会饰演一些可怕的角色。
Novalis, known as "Macabre Poet", attempts to comprehend the meaning life by eulogizing night and death, hence showing his persistent belief in life with a hidden extending self. “死亡诗人”诺瓦利斯的创作通过歌颂“黑夜”与“死亡”去感悟生命,表达对生命的执着,其间隐藏着一个力图扩张的自我。
Artist Jeffrey Thomas has created a "Twisted Princess" series, taking some of Disney finest characters and giving them a turn for the macabre. 杰弗里托马斯艺术家创造了一个“扭曲的公主”系列,以迪斯尼最优秀的某些字符,并让他们为恐怖转向。
An angry curse not open Xing said those macabre cursing, I am not going to listen. 一生气不开兴就说那些骂人不堪入耳的脏话,我很听不下去。
Funny but in a cynical or macabre way. 荒诞、恐怖而有趣的。
Sometimes after finishing a biography one is left feeling unfulfilled, still longing to know what the subject was really like, especially if the person being studied belongs in the category of the bizarre or macabre; is just plain daft, or creatively eccentric. 有时读完传记以后,读者仍然感觉不过瘾,希望了解更多事情本来的面目,特别是被研究的人物被归于古怪或阴森恐怖之列时,读者们想知道这些人物只是皮影戏,还是纸老虎。
In2008 local news media uncovered a macabre network that lured unemployed urban youths to the countryside with promises of jobs, only to kill them and pass them off as dead rebels. 2008年,当地新闻媒体揭发了一个害人的犯罪陷阱,以工作为诱饵欺骗失业的城市年轻人来到农村,然后杀害他们,将他们混充为战死的叛乱分子。
By taking her on macabre field trips to funeral parlors? 把她带上去往殡仪馆的死亡旅行?
It's a bit macabre to think of that but we have become a world-wide phenomenon. 提到这个让人有些毛骨悚然,但是这说明我们已经成为一个世界范围的现象了。